Teasing the Purple Rabbit

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There was a long pause.

"Uhh...Bubble! What's our game they're doing today?" Caine asked the oblivious Bubble. He clearly forgot what the whole "adventure" we were doing today.

"Oh oh!" Bubble yelped. "We are doing another partner activity!!"

"Oh right!" Caine chuckled. "Partner activity! You guys can pick your partners! There will be 1 group of 3 because we have an odd number like last time, but that's okay! Just pick your partners so I can explain--I mean, so Bubble can explain--what you will be doing!!"

Once again, I stood there dumbfounded. I didn't know who I fully trusted or not yet, and to make matters worse, Jax and I were the only ones left again!!! The torture! They're doing this on purpose, I swear to God.

"Looks like we're left again," Jax sighed. He doesn't seem thrilled about it either. Probably because a couple minutes ago I threw him across the entire room.

"Yep. Don't get used to it," I tell him. He scoffs.

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Looks like everybody found their partners and/or group!" Caine exclaimed. "Bubble, what will our puppets be doing today??"

"Hmm...oh! They'll be practicing a circus act with each other!! We always do those 'acts' all by ourselves, and to grow accustomed to how teamwork works, they'll be practicing a circus act that includes more than one person! By the end of the day, we'll be showing our circus acts with each other!"

Everybody went silent. Even Caine, whose head--or mouth--went agape. He suddenly cleared his throat and clapped his hands together.

"That's perfect!" Caine yelled out. "Each of you can practice wherever you want! But by sunset, we'll show off our circus acts in front of each other!!"

"F[%$#@]ck," I muttered to myself Jax grinned.

"We both hate this, you know," Jax chuckled. "I'll make sure this adventure will be a living hell."

"Thanks. You're soo kind," I teased. "Remember who has magic? I'd be careful if I was you."

His eyes widened, seeming to remember that I have all of the power to throw him across the entire circus.

"Oh, you would never," Jax told me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I did 15 minutes ago! Do you have short term memory loss?"

"Wait, what was your name again?" Jax wondered with a smirk.

"F[%$#@]ck off," I groaned. I never really swore at anybody before...I guess he's the first person I've lost all my patience with. That's when I remembered that Jax doesn't HAVE any friends here. He told me that last night. He even feels pain knowing that he has nobody to turn to. Maybe I should be a bit nicer, but not until Jax stops being cruel towards me for no damn reason.

I felt a light slap on my cheek, snapping me out of my thoughts. I flinched a bit at the sudden impact.

"Come on, pipsqueak," Jax complained. "Let's just practice the damn circus act already."

"What room do you want to practice in?" I asked.

"Outside. I hate the stuffy air in this tent."

"Alright. It gives us more room anyways."

"Exactly. Let's stop stalling. I just want this adventure over with."

"Fine, fine."

I followed Jax outside of the tent. We walked behind the big circus tent and there was a cute field that also had excess circus stuff and random swings that seemed to be seemingly floating in the air with Caine's magic. He probably placed those there so practicing in this open field would be an option.

"Huh. Nice," I murmured.

"You know, since we're alone now--"

I cut him off by throwing him into the digital lake--which was next to the field we were in. The water made a loud splashing sound as Jax hit head-first into the lake.

Jax's body sank for a few seconds before his head popped up above the surface. Jax gave me a huge death glare as he left the lake.

"You're a bi[%$#@]ch," Jax hissed. I smiled.

"You are too," I exclaimed with fake enthusiasm. Jax glared at me and sighed.

"Will we practice now? I'm tired of your bull[%$#@]it."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. We can practice now. What do you think we should do?"

Jax simply shrugs and pushes me to the ground with a smile.

"I hate you sometimes," I complained.

"I hate you too," Jax replied. Even though he said that, I can tell he doesn't mean it. It's the tone of his voice that made me know that he didn't truly hate me.

"Let's just get started, shall we?" I tell him. He rolled his eyes, but nodded.

"Alright. Let's start."

There was awkward silence after that as the question became clear: What do we even do?

"Should we incorporate my magic into our trick?"

"Hell no. I don't want you flinging my body across the horizon."

"I won't! I promise! And...if you do behave...I'll let you boss me around with my magic for an hour. Deal?"

Jax grinned, "that's what I like to hear. Fine. Deal. Let's incorporate your silly magic into our circus trick."

"Well...what do you think we should do?"

Jax thinks for a moment before shrugging.

"I'm okay with anything. But since we're both good at acrobatics...this should be fun..."

Before I said anything, Jax grabbed my wrist and jolted me to the ground.

"Umph--" I muttered as my head smacked onto the ground. Jax smiled mischievously.

"Payback," He replied. I looked at him and grinned.

"Two can play at that game."


Hey guys! I tried my best with this chapter, and I will say that I'm pretty proud of how it went!! I like that Y/N has magic now, since Y/N could have a LOT of fun with it ;) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day <3

-Sincerely, CB

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