Christmas Special!

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It was the next day. Pomni, me, and the others finished decorating the tent yesterday, and everything looked pretty. It all looked straight out of a fairy tale...and I loved every second of it. I've always enjoyed Christmas, even if I don't remember much about my old life now.

I opened my dorm room door and headed straight to the main room, where the Christmas tree was. Everybody seemed to be there as well, talking to one another.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Oh! Hello, Y/N!" Ragatha exclaimed. I looked under the pine tree, and there were A TON of presents under the tree. My eyes widened.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot that it's Pomni and your first Christmas here," Gangle muttered.

"Ohh yeah!" Ragatha chuckled. Suddenly Caine appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello everybody! Wow! You guys seemed eager and arrived early! Wowza! I guess you guys are really excited for the gifts I'm gonna give you guys, huh?"

"Yeah. And there's no in-house adventure today," Zooble stated. They seemed very happy about that fact.

"So, are you ready to open up your presents?" Caine wondered.

"Yes!!" Kinger exclaimed as he ran over to his first gift and tore it open without hesitation. I chuckled at Kinger's eagerness as we all did the same. We grabbed our first gift and opened it. What was inside my first gift was a cute looking diary, with a black pen on the inside. I could see myself writing in this later, since I like jotting down my thoughts.

Everybody else seemed to like their gifts too. Kinger got a cockroach plushie, Pomni got a sketch book, Ragatha got a doll, Gangle got a spare comedy mask, Jax got a book of pranks, and Zooble got a pair of headphones. There were a lot more presents to open, so we all got to it. All of my gifts I really liked: A deck of cards--for magic purposes, a pack of fancy pens, a new laptop, and a new outfit I could put on whenever I wanted. And obviously the diary.

"Thank you for our gifts, Caine!" Ragatha exclaimed.

"It's no problem!" Caine replied. "I hope you guys like your gifts!"

"I-I do..." Gangle muttered and smiled brightly.

"Now that you guys have opened your gifts, time for the Christmas breakfast!!" Caine yelled out. We all ran over to the dining table and started eating. There were donuts, pancakes, and a few slabs of sausage onto our plate, dribbled in syrup. I started eating, and I did feel very hungry too, so I ate pretty quickly.

"This is amazing!" Pomni exclaimed.

"Honestly, it is quite good, I must admit," Jax chuckled.

"Mhm!" Gangle hummed, with food stuffed in her mouth. Caine smiled, Bubble was next to him, gleaming happily.

"Thank youuu!" Bubble yelped. "I'm sooo happy that you guys like the breakfast I made!!"

"Of course they do," Caine tells him. "You always make the food."

"Because you'll get mad if I don't..." Bubble muttered that last part to himself, but I overheard loud and clear. I raised my eyebrow at Caine, who simply shrugged. I decided it was best to ignore Bubble antics as I continued eating.

After eating, Caine started speaking.

"Actually, who's ready for a Christmas in-house adventure??" Caine wondered.

"What?? I thought there would be no in-house adventures since it's Christmas!" Zooble huffed.

"Too bad, Zooble! But this one will be a Christmas themed one!"

Zooble glared at Caine in disgust and rolled their eyes.

"What's the adventure, anyways?" Jax wondered.

"Actually, it really isn't 'in-house,' it's an out-house adventure! We're going sledding!"

"Sledding?" Pomni questioned.

"Yes! You all have your own personal sleds too," Caine informed us.

"Ooh very fun!" Jax exclaimed. It was laced with a hint of sarcasm, though I'm not surprised.

"Let's go, my Superstars!"

We followed Caine outside of the tent. It was snowing and it looked like a winter wonderland!

"Whoa..." Pomni and I gasped at the same time.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Caine chuckled. Caine disappeared real quick and grabbed all of our sleds. I grabbed my sled and went up to the top of the snowy mountain. But before I placed my sled down, I felt a push and I fell on my face, sliding down the cold snow.

"Haha!" Jax laughed. Once I got up from the snow, I turned to face Jax with a heavy glare. "Whaaat? Don't glare at me! That was hilarious!"

I stormed up the snowy hill and used my magic to fling him off of the snowy mountain and into the cold and icy snow--his entire body.

"Nice one, Y/N," Pomni giggled. I high-fived Pomni and grinned.

"Thanks. Let's start sledding, shall we?"

"Yes! I'm soo excited!" Pomni cheered. With a further ado, I placed my sled on the snow, sat on it, then I let my sled slide down the hill, the wind blew in my hair as it slid as fast as possible...and I loved every second of it...


Hey guys! Sorry that this "Christmas special" was a little lackluster, but tomorrow will "continue" this Christmas special. I'm just very busy tonight, so I quickly wrote this chapter (which took around an hour or so) and decided to publish it. Though, I am thinking about prewriting some chapters, just so they're better quality and I'm not rushing anything. Like in the morning, or after I publish one chapter, just write another one with more effort and wait to publish it until later. But I'm unsure. I guess I hope you enjoyed reading it, and the continuation of this Christmas special will be next chapter! :)

-Sincerely, CB

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