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After I said that, Jax smirked. Though, his eyes faltered a bit, like he was a tad bit worried about what I was planning.

"We should probably get to working on our circus performance," Jax chuckled. He had his arms crossed, and had a smug look plastered on his cartoonish face.

"Yeah, true. It would be cool with my magic incorporated into it," I tell him. To that, Jax reluctantly nods his head.

"It could bring an extra 'bang' into our performance. If ya know what I mean," Jax agrees.

"Yep!" I exclaimed. "Should we start planning it?"

"Of course we should. I don't wanna stall any longer."

"Sounds good. Since we're both acrobats, for the most part, this should be easy to fuse our talents together."

"True. But at least I do real acrobats. Your magic helps you make it cool."

"At least I have a little 'spice' that's unlike the other circus acts."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's just brainstorm. We only have a couple hours left of the day, after all," Jax huffed with an eye roll.

"Okay, fine. We should add those bar swings into it, though, since we both have those into our acts already. Maybe we can do...kinda like a dance-thing with acrobatics added on?"

Jax's eyes squinted at me in an intense manner.

"Are you making an excuse to dance with me?" Jax wondered. My eyes widened as my cheeks flushed a bit.

"What?? No! I just thought that idea would be cool. Kinda like our circus acts fused together. Both of us already 'dance' on those bar swings, doing loops and whatnot. Adding more of those bar swings, switching between them, looping around, but also incorporating 'dancing' into it will make our trick so damn cool! Is it really that bad?"

Jax stayed silent and simply sighed. "It's not bad. Maybe we can also incorporate a trampoline too? You use the trampoline, so it might be a bit cool."

"Ooh yeah! Maybe I can use my magic to lift us up extremely high, so we can do...'air tricks,' kinda? That's the type of dancing I was talking about."

"Mhm...sure..." Jax teased.

"Do you want me to throw you into the digital lake again?!"

"Okay, okay, fine."

I smirked, "good boy."

Jax's eyes widened as his face contorted with utter confusion. I shrugged.

"Let's just start practicing. Our trick won't practice itself."

"Yeah, it will."

"I didn't ask for you to be a sass. Let's just start."

"Alright, alright."

" should we start this trick?" I wondered. Jax smirked.

"I thought you were the professional."

"When the hell did I say that??"

Jax crossed his arms and grinned, "you implied it, idiot."

"We're not going anywhere, purple rabbit. Let's just start, you moron."

Jax raised an eyebrow at the sudden nick names.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"H-Huh?'s nothing..." Jax fibbed. "Let's just start already."

~Jax's POV~

I didn't expect those nick names coming from a girl like her. It kinda stung a bit, but I shook my head away from any negative thoughts. Those won't help me at all.

"That's what we've been trying to do for the past hour!" Y/N yelled at me. I rolled my eyes, trying to sound unimpressed.

"Well, you've been stalling," I defended. Y/N clenched her fists, but took a deep breath and simply stared deeply into my eyes. It was quite unsettling. It was like she was analyzing me.

"Let's just start," Y/N eventually sighed. I grinned and nodded in agreement. I'm too tired at this point to fight, and I was concerned about what she'd do with her "new magic," that damn girl-- she's a magician at this point!! And I don't know whether I should be concerned or not. "How should we start it?"

Y/N was a broken record at this point. Asking the same question she did 5 minutes ago. It annoyed me a bit, but I tried to bite my tongue so I didn't offend her by accident. Why do I care, though? Usually I would bluntly say what I don't like about a certain person. But she's...different. I can't put my finger on how, but she just is.

"Maybe we can start out on the opposite side of the stage, both of us on high platforms, and then we both jumped at the same time and grab the nearest bar swing near us, do a flip, and switch sides in sync? Just to start off, of course."

"Huh...that's a pretty neat idea," She agreed. I smirked to hide my blush, hoping and praying that it was prominent.

"Heh. I know," I tell Y/N. "I'm pretty cool."

Suddenly, without much warning, she threw me into the digital lake. AGAIN.

To put insults to injury, my head hit the water first, which made water go up my nose. I don't know how it's possible since this is a digital world, but it is.

I swam up to the top, and spat excess water out of my mouth. Y/N simply laughed.

"Now you're cool. Literally cool. Or I should say cold--" Y/N chided. I wanted to strangle that smug look off of her face.

I got out of the water and analyzed her expression, trying to send shivers down her spine. Knowing how oblivious she is, though, I doubt that worked.

"Let's just start already!" I snapped. Y/N flinched at my sudden tone but nodded along.

"Y-Yeah...let's start..." She muttered

~Y/N's POV~

I didn't expect that snappy tone coming from Jax. Maybe I should be more careful and nicer? Ugh, I don't know. Jax is a complicated person to talk and be around, let's just say. He could be kind one moment, and a complete jerk the next second.

He's going to be the reason why I'll go fricking insane...


I love how this chapter turned out! I hope nothing was too confusing when it came to explanations, since I'm not the best with dialogue sometimes. But hey, at least I tried! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and I also hope you'll have a wonderful rest of your day <3

-Sincerely, CB

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