Game Time

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I turned on my flashlight, gripping it in my right hand as I started looking for everybody. I didn't know the exact layout of this circus yet, so I was simply roaming around, praying to find somebody.

I was moving my flashlight back and forth while walking, and eventually I heard some shuffling in the corner of the room.

"Gah-- move!" A voice huffed.

"No, you move!" Another voice groaned.

I raised an eyebrow as my flashlight landed onto the two who were fighting--Jax and Zooble.

"Found you," I chuckled.

"Dammit Jax, it's your fault we were found so soon!" Zooble hissed.

"Whaaat? How could it be my fault?" Jax giggled.

"Go to the main lobby, since I found you two," I ordered.

"Yeah, yeah," Jax complained.

Zooble and Jax begrudgingly went to the main area. I grinned as I continued searching.

"AH--! Gangle, don't startle me like that!" A voice--who I assumed was Kinger--yelled out.

"S-Shh!! Kinger! Don't yell!" Gangle's voice whimpered. "Y/N's here!"

"Oops...sorry Gangle!" Kinger chuckled.

My flashlight finally spotted them...they seemed to be struggling to stay in Kinger's small impenetrable fortress.

"Found you," I told them.

"Aww..." Gangle sulked.

"Don't worry, Gangle, your hiding spot was great...Kinger just gave you two away," I reassured her.

"Yeah...I know..."

"Hey! Gangle startled me! It's not my fault," Kinger defensively said.

"Let's just go to the main stage..." Gangle sighed as they both went to the main stage.

Lastly, I had to find Pomni and Ragatha. They could be hiding together, or not, I'll have to see!

Everything was deathly silent--wherever Pomni and Ragatha were, they were being awfully quiet.

I ended up checking the last spot I could think of: the main stage. Maybe they hid in the very beginning, trying to trick me of some sort. Once I arrived to the main stage, that's where the other four characters were.

"Did you give up already?" Jax sighed.

"No. Pomni and Ragatha might be in this room, and I just completely went by them."

"Smart thinking!" Kinger exclaimed.

"Yep," I chuckled as I went over to the main stage.

"Are they there?" Gangle wondered.

"Yeah, are they? I just want this game to end," Zooble groaned.

"Hmm..." I hummed. There was a loose floorboard on the stage that I decided to lift up. Lo and behold, Ragatha and Pomni were squeezed under the loose floorboard. I shined my flashlight onto their surprised faces. "Found you two!"

Suddenly the lights turned on.

"Wonderful job, Y/N! You found everybody under 10 minutes! That's a new record!" Caine exclaimed right into my eardrums.

"Ow-- God, Caine, your voice is so loud," I sighed.

"O-Oh..." Caine chuckled nervously. "Sorry! I forgot how loud my voice can be! But congratulations on finding everybody!"

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