Circus Acts

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I rolled onto my bed, trying to fall asleep for the night. It was hard--though--because my mind was running a damn marathon. I didn't really want to be in this digital hell, and I didn't really feel safe here in the first place.

I stared up at the ceiling, trying to find a sense of clarity to actually go to bed. But nonetheless, somehow, I slowly lost consciousness...


I was in a weird building, bright colors were flashing me in the eyes steadily. Nobody seemed to be in the building besides me, which gave me unwanted shivers down my spine. But I kept my head held high as I walked down a long narrowing hallway. The hallway felt like it was going on forever, and it pissed me off.

"Come on..." I muttered to myself. The hallway didn't seem to end anytime soon! There were pattering of footsteps behind me, yet when I turned around, nothing was there. Weird. I continued walking down the hallway, yet I heard the footsteps once again.

"Who's there?" I yelled out as I turned around. When I did--though--there was a black monster of some sorts with crazy eyes spread around its black body. "Holy [%$#@]."

I ran down the hallway as fast as I could, the monster was chasing me as fast, and I tried to outrun it the best I could. While running, I reached a dead end at the end of the hallway. I turned around, backing up slightly as the monster creeped towards me. I let out a rippling scream.


I woke up in a cold sweat, my breathing was heavy. I placed my hand on my chest. My heart was thumping against my digital rib cage as hard as it could.

"Oh God, it was just a dream..." I muttered to myself as I stood up. I didn't know what time it was, but I guessed it was probably early morning--before anybody else woke up.

What I planned on doing while waiting for everybody else to wake up, was drawing--something that I feel like could calm my heart down. I went over to the shelf in the far corner of the room and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil.

I sat on the floor, and placed the paper neatly in front of me while I started drawing.

I was drawing for what felt like ages, until there was a knock on the door. I left my drawing to answer the door, and on the other side seemed to be Caine.

"Hello, Y/N! Good morning! Please meet us in the stage area, where we'll all be practicing our circus acts for the audience!"

"Audience?" I repeated.

"Yep! We're a circus, after all! We have to have an AUDIENCE!"

"Okay...can I go and finish something real quick? I promise it'll be fast."

"Of course, my Superstar! We'll be waiting until you're finished!"


Caine closed my door as I turned around and headed to my drawing. I had to add one more final detail onto my drawing: My signature in the corner. Just to symbolize that I drew this--and I was proud of it. I liked how I drew each character from this digital circus, and how I shaded it in neatly.

I placed the drawing above my headrest with a thump tack.

I smiled to myself as I walked out of my bedroom, heading over to the main area, where everybody was seemingly waiting for me.

"Geez, took you long enough," Jax huffed.

"Great! Everybody's here!" Caine exclaimed. "We'll be practicing the theme song and our circus acts! But first, we should figure out what Y/N wants to do!"

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