The Fight

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Jax and I went inside the tent for food, since according to Jax, he was starving. I knew he was being dramatic, but I didn't dare to protest. We went over to the dining table, where there was leftover food from this morning, in case we were still hungry. While we were walking to the dining table, Ragatha, Pomni, and Zooble seem to be there, eating and chatting.

When they noticed Jax and I, I waved. They smiled--at least Pomni and Ragatha did--and waved back. Zooble simply rolled their eyes, but mainly towards Jax. They seemed content with me.

"Hey! I didn't expect to see you guys here," I chuckled.

"Eh. We were just hungry. And we've got our circus trick prepared, so we wanted to just--you know--chill," Ragatha explained. Pomni nodded her head.

"Yeah," Zooble agreed. Zooble glared at Jax, who simply gave them the side-eye.

"What are you looking at me for?" Jax wondered. Zooble sighed.

"I wasn't looking at you," Zooble bluffed. Jax crossed his arms.

"Uh huh. Sure."

"Guys, don't fight," I tell them. "Let's just grab our food, and continue practicing."

That last part I was mainly telling Jax, but he seemed to ignore me.

"You know I'm sick of you, right Zooble?" Jax complained. Zooble scoffed and rolled their eyes.

"You're sick of me? I'm sick of you," Zooble hissed.

"Guys, Y/N's right, please don't fight. Let's have a peaceful afternoon," Ragatha tells them. Like I was, she was also bluntly ignored. My fists clenched. I was angry that they were ignoring us so easily, but I tried to conceal my anger the best I could and listen to the fight. I'll stop them if it gets too much to handle.

At this point, Jax and Zooble were straight out yelling at each other. Pomni and Ragatha tried to get them to calm down, but it was too heated for them to help.




Everything I hate.

Why won't they stop?





My mind was swarming with ways I could help this situation, but I was just paralyzed. Unable to calm them down. Unable to help. If I can't help, then who am I? I need to find my voice. I need to....make....them....stop.....

Ragatha could clearly see I was distressed, and noticed my clenched fists. She placed her hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. She realizes that I don't want comfort...I just want everybody to be happy....happy....

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!" I finally yelled. Zooble and Jax were paralyzed in sudden shock. I have never yelled before, nor snapped. This was new. Even Ragatha and Pomni were in disbelief with my sudden voice change. I went back to my quiet voice and demeanor, trying to keep my cool.

"Everybody...please stop..." My voice shakes. "I can't take the yelling anymore! Everybody is amazing and great in their own ways, and there's no need to fight."

I look at Zooble and Jax, entering what I like to call as my "therapist mode."

I turned to Zooble. "Zooble, you have a great sense of humor, and you've actually made me laugh a couple times by your snarky remarks. You're fantastic with juggling, and even if you're a mash of body parts, you're the most unique person here and your design is fantastic! You have a bunch of skills that you might not even be aware of yet."

I turned to Jax. "Jax, I know we've gotten on the wrong foot in the past, but you are a funny person to talk to. You're more than what you seem, and even though you aren't the nicest, you do have your kind moments. Regardless of whether you don't want to admit it or not, you are an amazing person and you're fun to talk to. You bite back in the best way, and aren't too lenient. You tell people the truth, and you stick to the point. That's what I admire about you, and I wish I could do the same."

I took a breath, trying to compose myself from crying like a baby. "So please, tell me, why are we fighting when you're both equally amazing in your own ways?"

They were stunned. Jax's pupils were dilated in utter dismay, while Zooble actually showed expression for once. Their antennas were twitching and their pupils were dilated like Jax, showing that she was shocked by the sudden words of encouragement. I smiled weakly, not growing the full courage to give off a genuine smile. I was too tired.

Before waiting for their response, I looked down to the ground, feeling a wave of nausea come over me.

"I' in my room if you need me. I need t-to think things through..." I muttered to myself.

With that being said, I left the room and headed to my bedroom...I need time all by myself right now.


I love this chapter so much! You get to see Y/N's therapist side and peace side come out, and I love how I wrote it!! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! I also hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!! <3

-Sincerely, CB

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