Something New; Cooking Frenzy pt. 1

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Note: Hey guys. Sorry for not updating this in a while, writers block sucks. But because of episode 2 of TADC coming out, I decided to work on this book again. Though, I did forget some of the stuff that I added in the previous chapters, so I'm sorry if SOME things don't line up or if I repeated some of the same things/adventures...I'm too lazy to reread my book and my awful writing. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter nonetheless!

I woke up the next day, groaning in pain. My head was spinning 100 miles per hour, which was probably due to waking up on the wrong side of the bed. At least, that's what I like to tell myself.

"Y/N! Rise and shine!" Caine yelled out from behind the bedroom door.

"Okaaaay. I'm getting up," I sighed. I left my bed and tied my hair into a neat pony tail to get all of my hair out of my face. I got myself mentally prepared too, knowing that today Caine is probably going to have us do some form of adventure that I doubt I will want to do. I was getting used to the same routine: Get up, Caine's adventure, do whatever I want for the rest of the day, go to sleep, repeat.

Eventually I left my room and headed over to the main area, where the others were waiting patiently for me.

"Now that everyone's here, I bet you're all wondering what your new adventure would be!!" Caine exlcaimed.

"Actually, no, we're not," Zooble huffed. Caine looked at them for a split second.

"I bet you're all wondering what your NEW adventure would be!!" Caine repeated.

"Yep, we definitely are," Ragatha agreed.

"That's more like it! Agree with me, you...peasants!" Caine screamed. "Anyways...the adventure today is quite a doozy! It's called: 'Cooking FRENZY'! You'll be helping out The Burger Joint with its customers and will make as many burgers as you can until rush hour is over! Once rush hour is over, you're free to leave The Burger Joint! Any questions??"

"Oh! I have one!" Bubble mentioned. "What happens if they give the wrong order to the wrong customer?"

"Glad you asked, Bubble!" Caine exclaimed like all of this was rehearsed. "If you give the wrong order to the wrong customer, you'll get some punishment! So don't test fate, you guys! Since the punishment is NOT fun!"

"Well...we'll make sure to not disappoint any customers then," Ragatha chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, you can count on us!" I agreed.

"Yeahhh...totally," Jax muttered with a grin.

"Great! Have fun, my Superstars!" Caine said as he pushed us into this portal. We were transported to the front of the building. It was a brick building with blue windows and lights were strung around the medium-sized building. There were bright bold letters that said 'THE BURGER JOINT'.

"This adventure is...different," Pomni muttered.

"Yeah, Caine is sometimes spontaneous when it comes to his adventures," Ragatha explained.

"Which is what I hate," Zooble growled. "I thought I could avoid his adventure for today...but I guess I'm here too."

"Let's just go inside..." Gangle responded.

"Yes! Let's!" Kinger repeated as we walked inside. Once we did, a gray robot on wheels rolled over to us.

"Hello. You-must-be-the-new-employees," The robot wondered. "Right?"

"We are! Your burger joint is wonderful!" Ragatha exclaimed as her eyes danced around the interior of the place. She was right, it was pretty neat. The floor was wood planks with red carpet splayed on the floor. The ceiling is around 15 feet away from the ground, so it gives us enough breathing room. The tables were everywhere. Some had 2 chairs and others had 4 chairs, while there were some booths along the walls of the place. In the far corner, there was a door that read "kitchen," which I assume is where we'll be making the food for the customers that will be coming in.

"Thank-you. Follow-me-to-where-you-will-be-working," The robot told us as he rolled away. We followed him to the kitchen. The kitchen had a black and white checkered floor and everything we'll need for cooking: A fridge, cabinets with all of our supplies, a walk-in freezer, and kitchen counters with different stations for each step of making a burger. The stations were: Cutting the ingredients, cooking the patty, and assembling the burger. "This-is-where-you-will-be-making-the--"

Before the robot got another word in, Jax grabbed a knife and jammed it into the robot. Sparks flew everywhere before the robot combusted and fell apart.

"There! No more instructions," Jax hissed. "He was getting annoying."

"JAX! What are you thinking?!" Ragatha screamed.

"What?? I did you a favor! Don't yell at me. Let's just start this adventure already."

"But we don't even know what we're doing without that robot," Zooble mentioned. Jax gave them the death glare.

"Then let's figure it out. We don't need to be babies about it."

" do we figure it out without the robot, exactly...?" Pomni questioned.

"Oh my God, you guys are hopeless."

"Maybe we should, um..." I thought for a moment. My eyes looked up to a monitor that was planted up on the wall. It seemed to be turned on, and had the list of all the burgers we need to make this moment. "Maybe the monitor up there could help us?" Everybody followed my gaze to the monitor.

"See? At least one of you has brain cells," Jax taunted. I grinned, feeling pretty proud of myself in the moment.

"Huh...I guess I must've missed this monitor because of how high up it is," Ragatha mentioned. She turned to me. "Good job, Y/N!"

Light blush formed on my cheeks. "'s no biggie. Let's just start making the orders on that monitor before more orders appear on it."

"Good idea," Zooble agreed. So that's how we started, but little did we know, things will turn to chaos quickly.


So...I apologize for not making a new chapter in a long time, writers block sucks, trust me. But I'm back and this is part ONE of the new adventure: Cooking Frenzy! Yes, this is how we'll be doing adventures from now on, since it's a lot more exciting this way than silly playground games. Episode 2 of TADC made me realize that I should probably be more creative with these adventures, so every adventure will be a lot more creative with DOZENS of parts to them, or these chapters will be too long and you guys need entertainment somehow. But yeah...sorry for giving you guys radio silence for around a few months but I'm back and better than ever. Thanks for still reading these past chapters and giving this book support even through the radio silence, it means a lot to me <3

-Sincerely, CB

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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