Half Empty

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After the party, it was getting really late. Most of the party was filled with praise, and the gifts were so cute! I honestly appreciated the party, and it did lift my spirits up for a bit.

But now it was nighttime, and I was heading to my dorm for the evening. But before I got to my dorm room, though, Gangle walked up to me.

"U-Um...can I hang out with you for a bit?"

"Of course! I don't mind at all," I tell her.

Gangle smiled. "W-What should we do...?"

"Wanna hang out near the digital lake? We can chat, or stargaze."

"T-That's a lovely idea!" Gangle agrees. We both walked over to the exit of the tent and walked over to the digital lake, where there was a pond and a few water slides, along with chairs spaced out along the plain. "It's beautiful out here."

"Yeah," I chuckled. "The stars make it all the better."

"Yeah...it's very pretty!" Gangle exclaimed. Gangle and I sat on the grass around the pond, looking up at the black sky. The white orbs of the stars floated in the air blissfully.

"It's beautiful...and relaxing. Don't you think?"

"Yeah! It is!" Gangle agreed.

"Just out of curiosity, how do you see the world? Cup half full or half empty?"

Gangle's eyes widened, not really expecting that question coming from me.

"Umm...I don't know?" Gangle muttered, clearly uncomfortable.

"Alright, alright. Was that a bad conversation starter?" I wondered.

"N-No...it just threw me off-guard," Gangle honestly replied.

"Ah. Sorry for no warning."

"I-It's fine, really! I feel like I'm more half-empty if I am honest...most of the time."

"Mm. Same."

To that, Gangle's eyes widened.

"R-Really? You seem like a half-full kind of girl."

"Nah. Though, why do you see the glass as half-empty?"

"I-I dunno...there's just no point in life if I'm stuck here forever..."

"Hey! Don't say that! Your life is still very important to me," I reassure her.


"Of course! I really do care about you, Gangle. Please don't ever doubt that."

Gangle stared at the sky for a second, and then smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem. You're great, you know that? You and all the others are staying strong, even through this hard time, and I admire you guys for your strength. I wish I had that strength."

Gangle touched my hand with her ribbon hand.

"Don't say that. You're a fantastic friend. I promise. D-Do you think...we'll find a way out?"

I look at Gangle for a moment before I put on a fake smile and nod.

"Yes. Yes I do."


This chapter was a bit short, but it is important for character development and to get to know Gangle a bit more, along with Y/N. I hope you enjoyed reading it!! Since I really enjoyed writing it :)

-Sincerely, CB

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