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Soon the next day arrived, and my headache slowly went away. But I felt off, like I wasn't exactly myself. I didn't like this feeling by any means, and it made my skin crawl. It seemed extremely early, since there was barely any commotion outside of my door. But it gave me a sense of peace. The silence was soothing and helped my ongoing thoughts a bit.

I threw the blanket off of my body and stood on the floor for the first time in the past 24 hours. My room was unbearably cold, however. Either I have chills, or my room actually is cold, I'm unsure. It felt nice, though, since the blankets I was under made me too warm for my own comfort. I shook my head and went over to my dresser.

I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair up in a pony tail instead of keeping my hair down like I usually do. After I tied my hair up, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Y/N? Are you feeling better?" Caine wondered as he opened the door. When he saw me standing, he smiled. "You're feeling better now?"

"Yeah, as better as I'll probably be," I responded truthfully. There was an undertone in my voice that I didn't particularly like, but Caine didn't mention it at all.

"Great! Come over to the main room! And don't worry, it'll be worthwhile, my dear!" Caine exclaimed as he closed the door behind him. Why do I feel like Caine is planning something that's probably stupid? But I guess it doesn't hurt to go to the main stage area. I have nothing else to lose besides my sanity.

I left my bedroom and headed to the main area. Weirdly, though, the room was completely pitch black.

"Hello...?" I called out, fear peaking in my voice. There was muttering in the shadows, and it made me feel self conscious. "C-Caine??"

Suddenly the murmurs went silent. I froze in my spot in complete paranoia. What WAS Caine planning? This definitely wasn't a normal in-house adventure, that's for sure.

While I was staring into the vast nothingness, the lights eventually came on. It flashed my eyes and it stung a bit. But when my eyes finally adjusted to the light, my mouth went agape. The room was neatly decorated with F/C (favorite color) decor, and had my F/F (favorite food) aligned on the table we've been eating our meals on.

Everybody was in front of me, with a smile (or grin) on their face.

"Surprise!" Everybody exclaimed.

"W-What the...? Why?" I mustered. It's not my birthday, so why the hell did they make a surprise party for me?

"Because you've been helping us out, so we thought it would be a good idea to return the favor!" Ragatha explained with a sweet and genuine smile on her face.

"You guys-- this is fantastic! I didn't expect anything like this but it's honestly amazing...thank you guys so much!" I gasped.

"It's really no problem, my dear!" Caine chuckled.

"Y-You...really deserve it," Gangle agreed.

"Yeah. Certainly after disputing Jax and my fight," Zooble explained. "Nobody has really done that before. And even if Jax doesn't want to admit it, we both appreciate it."

"Hey! I don't mind admitting it. I'm just too lazy to do that right now," Jax fibbed.

"Uh huh. Sure," Zooble sighed.

"And we even got personal gifts for you too!" Kinger told me. "Your own mini birthday party! Um-- minus the birthday, that is."

I laughed at Kinger's last remark. Honestly, I never liked being the center of attention, but for some odd reason, I feel very flattered.

"This is honestly unexpected and amazing! Thank you so much!" I cheered.

"We're glad y-you like it," Pomni chuckled. "We were worried it was...overdone."

"It's the thought that counts, after all," I reassured Pomni. "I wouldn't say it's overdone. I really appreciate it!"

"See? And this is why you deserve this! You just showed us an amazing example!" Ragatha giggled.


"You reassured Pomni after feeling unsure about this decision. You always reassure us if we feel unsure, which is another reason why you deserve this party! Just to celebrate how amazing your friendship is to us!"

Blush spread across my gentle cheeks and I smiled sweetly.

"This is amazing...thank you..."

"Alright, enough with the cheesy stuff. Are we going to eat, or what?" Jax sighed. I chuckled.

"Jax, be nice! Y/N doesn't need to hear you complain at her party," Zooble hissed.

"It's fine, Zooble. I appreciate his honesty. I guess as the person that this party was made for, we can eat first and then do any plans you guys had planned for this party. Sound good?"

Jax was surprised by my sudden flexibility when it comes to his silly comment, but he grinned in appreciation.

"Perfect! This is why Y/N's my favorite," Jax teased. Zooble seemed content with my idea, and everybody sat down to eat my F/F. I felt flattered that they even thought about me...maybe this place isn't as bad as I gave it credit for...

That thought was a big mistake.


I'm very proud of how this chapter went! Question, when it's Christmas, should I make a Christmas special for this book? Like TADC characters celebrating Christmas or something? I want your thoughts on it! And I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, since I really enjoyed writing it :)

-Sincerely, CB

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