Noticed Outcome

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We were staring up at the night sky, which was very therapeutic.

"How long have you stayed in this digital circus?" I asked Ragatha. Ragatha stayed silent, seeming to be thinking for a moment before shrugging.

"As long as I can remember. I don't remember anything about my old life. This is the only one I seem to I don't know. It could be years, decades, or even just a few months. I don't know nor remember."

"That's...actually very sad," I commented. Ragatha shakes her head.

"Soon you'll be in the same predicament too, if you aren't already."

I thought for a moment....I didn't remember a thing about my old life either...except one quote: Expect the unexpected. Why the hell is that quote still sticking around in my head?

"The only thing I remember from my old life is something people used to always tell me--I think. It's a quote that kinda corresponds to the situation we're all in: Expect the unexpected."

"Expect the unexpected," Ragatha repeated. "I like it."

"Yeah...I do too. I wish I remembered more, though. Why did that quote stick around like glue my whole life? Even now."

"Certain things still stick around. I still remember that I used to have 2 sisters. Do I know their names or what they look like? No. But it's still something that just...sticks with you. You know?"

"Yeah, I do know."

"Though, I do wonder, why did a quote stick with you? Usually, for the rest of us, it's something about our personal life. For Jax, all he remembers is that he had a younger brother. Gangle, she remembers that she read and watched manga and anime. Zooble, they remember that they had a cat named Oreo. It's always something about our personal life. Why did a quote stick with you?"

Ragatha was probably asking herself that question. How would I know? I simply shrugged.

"I don't know..." I muttered.

"I find it cool, though. You don't remember anything about your personal life?"

I shook my head; I didn't remember anything from my personal life.

"Huh...that's weird," Ragatha murmured.

"Y-Yeah," I agreed. "But there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe only remembering a quote will help my sanity."

"Probably. I feel like we should go inside. We should probably rest up for the day tomorrow."

"I agree."

I stand up and smile at Ragatha.

"Good night. I enjoyed speaking with you."

"Good night, and same here," Ragatha chuckled. I waved goodbye as I went back into the tent.

While on my way to my room, I heard talking in the distance. Or was that yelling? I don't know. I just know that I hear a bit of aggravation behind the conversation. I turned around the corner, and it seems like Zooble and Jax are the ones that are bickering.

"Zooble, stop putting the blame on me," Jax chuckled.

"Whose fault is it, all of my belongings in my ROOM are gone, JAX?! You have the damn key to everybody's room!!" Zooble yelled.

"But maybe somebody stole my keys, you shouldn't blame people without evidence," Jax stated. Zooble crossed their arms and glared at him.

"Stop lying. All you do is lie and gaslight. You know what? I've had enough. I'm pretty sure everybody is sick of you. Even Y/N, who frankly doesn't want to admit that she hates anybody because of being coy and modest. But I can tell she also hates you, and I wouldn't be surprised if she hated this hellscape in general. So stop being such a b[%$#@]tch and GIVE. ME. MY. STUFF. BACK."

Jax stayed silent, his ears went slightly back but he eventually sighed.

"Fine, fine. You win, Zoo-ble. You can have your stuff back."

"THANK YOU. That's all I was asking."

Jax was heading in my direction, so I hid behind a few stranded boxes. Luckily Zooble and Jax never noticed I was listening in their conversation.

After a while, Jax left his room with a bunch of Zooble's stuff and dropped it in front of them.

"There ya go," Jax hissed as he left before even hearing Zooble's response. Once Zooble and Jax were gone from the area, I left the stacked boxes I was hiding from. Jax did seem kinda taken aback and upset by what Zooble proclaimed, though he had it coming. Just out of concern--however--I feel like I should check on him.

I walked over to his bedroom and knocked on his door.

"Jax?" I called his name. There was silence. I assumed he didn't want anybody to talk right now.

As I was about to leave, Jax sighed, "come in."

I twisted the doorknob to Jax's room as I walked inside. His room was smaller than mine. He had a simple one-person bed, the walls here covered in blue stars with a purple background, the ground was carpeted with a red looking carpet, and he had a desk along with a portrait of himself hanging on the wall.

"What is it?" Jax snapped.

" and Zooble seemed to be fighting I wanted to see if you were okay?"

Jax simply laughed. "Why would you want to know? Why don't you check on Zooble instead? According to them, they proclaimed that you hated me."

I sighed. I kinda figured he'd act b[%$#@]tchy, per usual to his sarcastic personality.

"I don't hate you," I tell him.

"You don't need to lie."

"I'm not lying! I don't."

Jax glared at me for a long moment, probably unsure whether he should believe me or Zooble. I don't blame Zooble for thinking that I hated Jax--he was a pain in my butt sometimes. But I wouldn't hate somebody for simple sarcasm unless he hit a weak spot in my personality.

"Fine. Why check up on me, though? I'm fine."

"You didn't look or sound 'fine' when you were fighting with Zooble. Don't lie to me."

Jax rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, though I could tell he was trying to look tough around me.

"I'm not lying. I said I'm fine."

"You said you're fine, but that doesn't mean it's entirely truthful."

Jax scoffed, "why do you care anyways?"

"Because life brings unexpected circumstances. People like you--no offence--expect the same thing over and over again. That 'nobody will care,' or 'everybody will hate me,' instead of trusting that I might actually care. I know, I'm new to this digital hell, but I care about others. Even people like you. Just tell me: Are you okay?"

"No. No I'm not."


I'm actually very proud of how this chapter ended up! I hope you liked it, since it took around an hour or so of writing! Like usual, if you have any tips or anything that you feel like should happen in future chapters, please let me know! I would love to hear your opinions! With that being said, I hope you have a lovely rest of your day <3

-Sincerely, CB

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