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There was some more awkward silence, to the point I let out a heavy sigh.

"I'll go to the high platform on the right, and you go to the left, okay? We'll just start now. I'm tired of the stalling," I tell him. Jax scoffed.

"Yeah. Tell me about it."

Wordlessly we both headed up to the high platform on the opposite side of each other.

"On the count of three, we'll both jump onto the separate bar swings that are in front of us. After that, we'll switch bar swings simultaneously and do a few loops such, like we both already do in our circus acts. Then we both jump off at the same time. Instead of jumping onto the ground, though, I'll then use my magic to lift us up. We'll both at the same time do a flip in the air, land on the trampoline, spin around in the air, and then land on the ground. How does that sound?"

Jax was silent, his eyes widened. He seemed confused about something, but I was unsure what it was. Was it really a bad idea?

" did you think of that on the spot? A couple minutes ago you were asking me 'what should we do?' And now you've magically figured out what we should do? How does that make sense?"

"It's something called 'skill.' You should get some."

Jax glared at me as I smirked.

"Whatever," Jax huffed. "So...should we just start or do one step at a time?"

"One step at a time. Let's take it slow, then by the end of the day, put it all together."

"Alright...sounds good," Jax agreed.

"One...two...three!!" I counted down. Jax and I jumped to the individual bar swings that were in front of us. I gripped the bar swing carefully, trying to not fall off. Though, Jax seems to do it with ease. Probably because he's been doing acrobatics for ages. After doing a few loops, we both switched bar swings simultaneously.

We then did a few more loops, and I winked at Jax so he got the memo to jump down. Instead of landing on the ground, I use my magic to lift us up in the air.

While we were in the air, we both did flips. Then landed on the trampoline. We spun around, then landed on the ground flawlessly.

"Woo! First try!" I celebrated. Jax simply laughed at how happy I was for getting it perfected on the first try.

"Of course. We're awesome."

He actually said we, instead of taking all of the credit, which I really appreciated. I simply smiled.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Wanna practice again?"

"Nah, I'm hungry," Jax complained.

"We'll eat after practicing one more time, okay?"


Jax and I practiced one more time. And like last time, we did it perfectly. I was very happy, since I could tell they would all be shocked with what Jax and I could do--definitely since Jax doesn't get along with anybody. When Jax walked over to me, I got the looks of sympathy from Ragatha and Pomni. But now here we are, working with what we have.

"Remember when you said that I get to boss you and your magic around for one hour if I cooperate?" Jax wondered. My blood ran cold. Dammit. I DID tell him that...

"I never promised though," I smirked.

"You are a bi[%$#@]ch," Jax grumbled.

"I know!" I exclaimed, smiling innocently. Jax nonchalantly punched me in the face. I threw him in the digital lake again with my magic. Once Jax's head was above the water, he groaned.

"AGAIN?! Is that your new hobby or something?" Jax complained as he climbed out of the lake.

"You deserve it for punching me."

"You deserved the punch for lying!"

"I never lied. I simply never promised."

"You are such a--"

Jax's face was contorted with rage, and I grinned.

"Sometimes I'm sick of you. Ya know that?" Jax wondered.

"Whaat? I thought you loved me!" I lied. Jax sighed.

"Fine, fine, maybe it's hard to get mad at you," Jax admitted. My face flushed as I glanced to the ground. How the hell do I take that information?

I smiled, "thanks..."

" problem?" Jax chuckled. There was awkward silence, until I eventually broke it.

"Want to go grab some food before we practice one more time?" I wondered.

"Yeah, that sounds good."


This chapter is a bit weird, but I hope you liked it! I liked how I wrote it though! If you have any tips or ideas for the future chapter, then please tell me! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :)

-Sincerely, CB

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