Rising hell (chapter 1)

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A/n- sorry if this is a shit chapter im getting on my usual grind but enjoy the chapter for this second book ! -the poetic rizzler

It was dark , your world stopped. You felt your breathing get shallow and you felt like you were about to pass out as your hearing went blank. The muffled screams of ghosts yelling out for soap , how his eyes widened as he looked at soaps lifeless body. Your world stopped and you watched as your father neared. Graves stood there , thinking through his choices as he thought for a moment and he froze as he saw Grimm hold a decent sized pistol up to your head.
"Grimm wait."
Graves bellowed and Grimm turned his head along with the other soldiers around to see what was the commotion.
"This wasn't part of the deal you said you'd take her you never said kill.."
Graves paused as he realized that he genuinely cared about you.

He couldn't just leave you , he knew what he did was wrong but to kill you was even worse. At first he thought of the mission but now he was truly thinking about you. He knew he fucked up and couldn't look back on this and he knew that things would be worse then what would be in the future. Nobody didn't know what would happen in the future but all they knew is that it wouldn't be good In The long run. Graves had morals and this was just flat out wrong and after what you had been through this just added onto it.

You backed away with watery eyes but rage that started to bubble up in your body. You were angry at them but mostly at yourself for letting yourself think that you had actually found a home , something to call family. But no. 141 had shown you what true family is and they aren't responsible for you on there squad yet they had treated you as if you were one of there own. Girl went to pull the trigger and the sound of a loud bang rang out and echoed through the woods cuasing birds to fly as they had gotten frightened by the loud and harsh noise.

You jumped as you heard the loud bang and you watched as Grimm fell lifeless into the snow.
Blood pouring from the bullet hole made in his head. You breath hitched in your throat and you looked to see Graves standing as he held the gun. The smoke rising from the gun and the smell of gunpowder lurking in the air. The other soldiers around raised there guns but graves flared at them and held up a first to signal them to stop what they were doing. Graves lowered his gun and placed it back in his holster and he stood quiet with a guilty look splayed on his face.

Grimm was dead.

Ghost had finally managed to break free out of his binds and he quickly got up and he instantly grabbed the spare knives he kept on his waist band and in his boots and he took out the soldiers that had been surrounded by. With each knife that flew past and into a soldiers neck you stood frozen in fear. Everything was getting to you an you didn't know how to handle it. The soldiers nearby dropped like flies , there lifeless bodies hitting the ground with a soft thud and ghost glared at graves and he immediately went over to you and he stood in front of you and stare daggers at graves,

As ghost stood in front of you , you were broken from your thoughts. You were back and saw everything that had happened , your hands shakes as the stress and fear was so much for you to handle , ghost looked at you for a mere moment and his gaze softened as he felt pity for you. Ghost wanted to kill graves bare handed , after what he had done to jhonny and to you ? Hell he wanted to spread blood for both of you but he knew that wouldn't solve anything. Graves stood quiet as he turned to look at ghost but in his face was a look of guilt and shame.

You shook your head and you looked at soaps lifeless body for the second time and your world crumbled more as everything set in. You ran over to soap and kneeled down , cradling his head in your lap as your tears ran. You felt as this was all your fault , you felt that if you didn't need to go to the safe house or even be transported to somewhere safer soap would still be here. He'd still be warm and alive. You looked at soaps dead eyes and you felt your tears become more as the flowed and your emotions ran.
"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...."
You said quietly over and over again as you cradled soaps face hoping for some sort of movement but you knew all to well he was truly gone. His skin cold and pale and his breath gone from his body.As ghost heard your quiet apology's that's all it took him to snap as he lunged at graves. As graves and ghost had gotten into a brawl Canadian evacs had arrived as they had been sent by there commanders as price had gotten word about what had happened by cams and he had asked for the evac.

Helicopters flying overhead and humvee coming off in the distance. As Canadian soldiers drawed in closer and got near they tried restraining ghost as he practically was tearing graves down to blood and bone with his hands. Others put graves in cuffs as he was going to be taken into custody.Another soldier had gotten near you and he tried grabbing you pulling you off soap but you gave a fight as you weren't ready to let go. The soldiers tried reassuring you but you wouldn't hold up and you were a emotional wreck.

"Let me go!"
You yelled and thrashed as you felt the soldier try and restrain you to try and stop you from further hurting yourself and so that medics could put soaps cold, lifeless body in a black body bag. Ghost then had been pulled off of graves and held back and after awhile of struggle he pushed the other soldiers off him and regained control within himself and got his shit together and watched as medics and such placed the bodies of the dead soldiers in body bags as well. Ghost turned to see one of the soldiers trying to restrain you and he rushed over and took over and grabbed you , wrapping his arms around you as he held your arms down to make sure you didn't hurt yourself or anyone around you.

As you felt the pressure of ghosts arms around you, you thrashed more as you had been emotionally wrecked.
"Y/n it's me kid it's ghost"
Ghosts gruff and deep British voice came out in a soft yet firm tone as he spoke and tried to get you to calm down before things got worse. There was no avail to your presence state as it was just getting worse and as things got worse ghost signaled for a medic to come and sedate you before you could do anything more. Medics ran over and as you thrashed and kicked you felt a sharp pain in your neck and soon your world went blank as the darkness consumed you and the void was a emptiness hole.

Hell was over but now lied new issues for your tears ran through and needed tissues. The day was over and the night had rolled in but your pain was still lingering and your despair had not been planned.

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