Out and there (chapter 5)

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A/n-short chapter since I'm feeling really burnt out lately so I'm might not update as usual as I do but I will update so yeah enjoy

Tw-mentions of panic attacks and description of it

"We're here."

Simon nudged you as he watched your eyes slowly flutter open. You had fallen asleep as the journey started with just a taxi drive and you rubbed your eyes as you slowly sat up straight.
Simon unbuckled his seatbelt and as he was getting out of the taxi. You looked around and out the door of where Simon had been getting ready and getting out of the taxi to grab the bags and You felt the coolness of the air hit your face as Simon opened the door more letting his large body exit the vehicle. You unbuckled your worn down seatbelt and gently pulled it aside and you slid to the next seat and stepped out of the taxi.

Simon stood grabbing yours and his luggage out of the cara trunks and he set them down onto the side walk with a small thud. He watched as you raised your arms and stretched out your body as you were still waking up and he continued on and he shut the trunk and tapped off to the driver letting him know he could drive off. As you stood in front of the airport you noticed a few people walking around and others going into the airport.
Some stood smoking and others simply waiting for a ride as they came into the country while others were going out of it.

You went to grab your luggage but Simon stopped you in your tracks and decided to carry it all himself.
"It's fine I can carry my luggage."
You tried to get your bag but he wouldn't let you.
"Yeah and you can wake yourself up too."
He says sarcastically with a small chcukle and you sighed and shook your head as you knew he was stubborn and wouldn't give into letting you do it yourself. He tended to let you do most things that you normally had to do since you were really independent but there were times he showed his appreciation , care and regards to you by the little things such as holding a bag or getting your something  you needed. He's taught you a lot over the years and your grateful for it and he knows it too.

It was starting to get lighter as the sun was rising now , the light orange and yellow hues straight to fill the sky with light as the minutes passed.
"So we're seeing the others again finally."
You say as you smiled to yourself as you walked next to Simon and into the airport.
"Price misses your ass too."
Simon smirked and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"They all do. Kinda praying that this all goes smoothly , you know how airlines can be at times."
You spoke as you enetered the airpor , The scent of coffee wafts out of a nearby cafe filling the air with that morning smell.You and Simon  push through the glass doors of the terminal lobby and into the bustling hub of activity.The hum of voices and the clattering of footsteps fill your ears as you scan the area for your gate. The digital screen above the check-in kiosks glows in the semi-darkness, indicating that it is currently only 7 am.

As you spot TSA agents lying around wearing masks  scattering the airports doing there duty's you looked at Simon and looked over the mask he wore.
"You do know there gonna check your ID an your gonna gave to take the mask off right?.."
You looked at him and he looked down at you an shrugged as you quickly went through security.
"I'm aware , it's quick and easy though."
He shrugged and you turned around and kept scanning through the area.
You stepped into line for security check and you got Identified as well as Simon. They checked through your luggage and made sure you all weren't carrying anything you weren't suppose to and they scanned you all over in a body scanner and let you all pad through.

"You think the virus is gonna get out of hand?.."
You say as you noticed many people wearing bright blue medical masks. Others wear white ones and heavy duty ones.

Ghost looked around as well, noticing  this and he heard the slight sound of concern in your voice and he shook his head.
"We'll be fine."
He reassures you and you nodded as you both stepped onto one of the baggage lines to get your luggage checked in and sent into the baggage box so they can load your luggage into the plane. You stood waiting around seeing people talking to one another , others talking on the phone while most just had there headphones in and listened to music or a podcast. Honestly you've only been on a plane a few times , others were helicopters when you used to go on missions. Those are the days you'd never foget , they were engraved into your head and you'd often have dreams about it on some nights while other nights  would involve night terrors.

When you did have night terrors you'd often panic and that panic would turn into a panic attack. The way you'd hear the fast beating of your heart in your ears as you felt your chest getting tighter like you couldn't breathe, youd feel like you were dying slowly and couldn't stop it. Simon would hear it mostly as he had a good sense of hearing and he'd knock on your door asking if you were okay but the minute you didn't answer and he only heard your shallow and short breaths he would just enter your room to go
And comfort you. He knew your mannerism well and he knew just by the little things that you did he knew how you felt often. You were greatful for moments like that.

You checked your bags into the baggage box, letting the nice lady at front handle it and you
And simon both got your tickets and started too look around seeing all the different food stalls and restaurants lying around lined up next to eachother. You looked up at Simon and nudged him as you walked and he looked down at you getting the hint that you were hungry.
"What you feeling this morning ?"
He asked as he looked at all the different food options and shops.
"Wanna get some overpriced Bagels ?"
You asked , your tone sounding more of a suggestion and a joke.
"We can do that"
Simon agreed to the food option you suggested and he walked with you down to one of the bagel shops.
"Gonna get a burnt butter bagel like you always eat back at the house?"
You joked and Simon had a look of offense in his eyes as his eyebrows nitted together.

"Please . Says the one who eats straight up bread like a side street begger."
Simons retorted and you let off a small grin.
"Plain bread is good bread."
You replied and shook your head as you found yourself getting more hungry.

Your hunger was palpable and your thoughts ran for soon hours later you'd be back home with the band.

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