Feild of lies (chapter 12)

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A/n- nah you know it's a good writing week for the poetic rizzler when I update three days in a row , enjoy this chapter lol

You both made it outside as you both walk through the airport doors, your eyes dart around taking in your surroundings. The first thing you notice is the military personnel and doctors outside, setting up an impromptu testing areas. The area is surrounded by barricades, blocking off the area from the rest of the world. Doctors and nurses in masks and protective gear move quickly setting up tables and testing stations as the military personnel stand vigil, making sure no one enters the quarantined area. The air is thick with tension, and you can feel the panic beginning to set in and the reality of the situation starts to hit you like a ton of bricks.

"We're fucked.."
You blurted out as you saw graces stand next to you.
"We can make it past them and try and head to somewhere safe."
Graves said as he watched with vigilance as two of the military men walked over holding there weapons.
"I'm going to need both of you to step over to one of the testing areas."
The soldier demanded and your eyes narrowed as you hid your pocket knife behind you discreetly.
"I don't need to listen to shit."
You snapped and the soldier raised his tone a little as he spoke.
"Step aside and step to one of the tents."
The soldier said and you tensed as he raised his rifle more but before you could get another word out screaming rose from in the far distance in front of you.

The soldier turned to see what it was and you and graves did the same as well to see what was going on and your eyes widened as you saw a woman , she had bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils , blistering and festering wounds all around her face and arms and there was blood on her hands and body as she let off growling noises. It looked as if this woman had came out of one of the exorcist movies. You backed away for a moment and had a look of concern spread across your face and you soon saw more people who were pouring out of the airport in the same manner and before you could doing anything else the infected started running at you.

"We have to fucking get out of here!"
Graves shouted as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you through the crowd of soldiers and doctors. You pulled away from him and ran follwing behind him quickly as you hopped over a barricade and into the busy street that were filled with cars. Many people were running as they heard gunfire rang out from the soldiers who were trying to contain the situation and kill off the infected but it was no use as they were over run by the growing hoard. As you through the street ran you looked behind you seeing he large hoard. People who had been in cars had been stuck in traffic as it was not going anywhere and they got out of there cars and started to run on foot.

Your muscles burned and screamed for you to stop as you kept running but there was not way you were letting up. Your breathe grew ragged and your pace grew a tad bit slower as you kept running on the dark asphalt and followed behind graves. As you ran past people graves led you into a feild which consisted of nothing of tall grass and you came to a halt causing graves to turn and come to a stop as well.
"We need to keep moving what are you doing."
He scolded and you shook your head as you quickly opened you bag and rummaged around until you found a small roll of tape and you started wrapping it around the bottoms of your pants.
"Tall grass dumbass , ticks still exsist and I'm not gonna risk catching Lyme disease."
You say as you taped your pants around your ankles tightly and securely to make sure nothing could get in.

You placed the tape back in your bag and glared at him before shaking your head. The tension was thick and the only thing that could be heard was the loud noise of planes coming from over head and the screams and gunshots in the distance but graves sighed and held a hard and firm look.
"Listen kid we ain't got Time for this we need to go."
He explained and you kept the same hard glare you held before but your brows furrowed and your eyes narrowed.
"Where the fuck are we going in the first place. If you don't say something now I'm fucking going back okay because I left the only person I cared about in that fucking airport and I don't even know if he's okay."
Your fear and worry came out agressively as you shouted at graves. Holding eye contact as you did so.

You were worried and sometimes when you got worried you tended to raise your voice as if you were angry but in reality you were really just stressing out but seemingly as you were showing anger it really just gave you a sense of control and made you feel a little bit at ease but your fear was the most intense emotion but you displayed aggression instead. Your anxiety had been provoking a agressive reposne as you felt trapped and were struggling to comprehend everything that was going on around you and overwhelming you.

"Will head to the depot and grab some things and head to my house only 30 minutes away."
He reassured you as he saw how much you have changed. He remembered everything that had happened from the day he had first found you and till the day he had no choice but to leave.
You were now older , more mature but ther was still that younger part of you that forgave him and the older part of you who still held a grudge against him but still though rationally about it.
It was his fault and wasn't at the same time. He didn't get soap killer , your father had killed soap. Graves had give You up but didn't realize that your father had a more dark and sinister plan and graves tried fixing that but he fixed it a bit but only made it a bit worse.

"Why should I go with you?"
You asked with a shark glare.
"Because I'm trying to help you."
He sighed.
"And how do I know you won't kill me or some stupid shit."
You snapped.
"I wouldve done it already if I truly wanted to. I'm trying to fix shit."
His southern tone came out pronounced as he spoke a little more loudly to you.

"Try anything and I'll make sure that my threat becomes a promise."

a feild of lies slipped away for new times might be made. For one's wrong doings could come to the light but for now you all had a new fight.

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