Deaths door opened (chapter 17)

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"No no no no no."
You say to yourself in a whisper as you run out to ghost drop to his knees. Graves watched as you spotted ghost in his vulnerable and injured state and he watched as you bolted for it straight in his direction Not even wasting another moment before running after behind you.your heart pounding in your chest as You got there as fast as you could, sliding to a stop a few feet away.
You looked down at him and saw the blood caked on his shirt. His expression was vacant, glassy as the infection has started to spread.
He looked at you and lifted his mask , knowing he was going to die and he took it off. His face light and pale as he has light dirty blonde hair , a light scar across his lip with some slight stubble and he gave you a small nod.

"Don't come close..."
Ghost rasped out.
"No no no no don't fucking move..."
Your eyes brimmed with tears as you ran over to him not caring about the risks to yourself. Kneeling down as you placed your hands where his wounds were to try and stop the bleeding.
"Fuck fuck fuck..."
Your voice raised as your felt the tears threatening to spill over.  Graves was right behind you, just a few steps behind. He was watching the whole thing, his heart sinking into his stomach.
He started and you turned to him with a stressful look in your eyes.

"Shut up shut the fuck up."
You were frantic as your hands shake slightly.
"Y/n he's not going to make it, we need to go."
Graves said firmly as he placed a firm hand on your shoulder but you shook him off as you gently placed your hands on ghosts face.
"C'mon we need to get you out of here..."
You muttered as you saw ghost close and open  his eyes slowly.
Ghost started.
"You need to go , I'm not gonna make it. I'm infected and you're risking yourself with infection too."
He breathed out as he looked at you , his gaze slowly averting to graves but as he knew he was running out of time he decided to keep his attention to you.

"Go please , get yourself out of here..take this okay."
He slowly took off his dog tags and handed them to you , your tears still threatening to fall as he handed you his dog tags. Placing them in the palm of your hand , closing his hand over yours.
"I'm not going to make it , bringing me with you makes it a liability for you. I need you to fucking run you hear me."
The Brit said firmly knowing you were stubborn and would put up a fight to listen.
"Simon No-"
"You will fucking run you hear me...for me fighting okay."
His bloody hands slowly made its way to your cheek as he gently cupped his , you could see the life draining from him, the humanity leaving his eyes. You shook your head felt your world slow as you saw him take his final breath and his hand slowly fell from your face.

You felt something deep within you , a void. A wound that had been reopened. Ripped. Your hands shake more as you opened your hand seeing the dog tags he had given you. You stood there in shock for a moment and graves grabbed your wrist firmly yet gently as he pulled you away.
"We need to go there getting close."
He spoke as he saw the military personnel growing closer. You turned around and pushed him away trying to go to ghost again but he grabbed you again trying to pull you back. You yelled and screamed , not caring of the attention you may draw. You felt lost without ghost. You were on the verge of a breakdown as you finally felt your tears fall as graves struggled to pull you away. He watched as you tried pushing him away as you were starting to breakdown.

As you screamed and cried out he quickly pulled you into the field where you both couldn't be seen by any military personnel and he firmly wrapped his arms around you trying to calm you down as you weren't in the right mind at the moment. You cried as you pushed him away , your body tense as that familiar feeling of being lost and gone came again. The only thing graves could do is keep you from going back as he kept a firm hold on you trying to redirect you towards him.

Death had come and struck again but you were still alive and out for revenge. You knew you had others who still were alive for you didn't know their current demise. One could be dead or still with a beating heart for you didn't know but you wanted to get on a head start.

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