Broken homes (chapter 19)

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As you both kept walking you kept quiet the silence between you and graves thicker than wood. The only sounds to be heard were long distant screams and gunfire , overhead were helicopters flying over letting off a loud whirring sound. Graves looked at you seeing the hard and stoic look you kept and his gaze started to soften again.
"You ok?.."
He started but you didn't answer as you were caught up in your own thoughts and feelings as you were trying to take a moment to process everything that has happened so far.
"You've grown a lot yknow.....I can only assume
That old price and then others are Alive."
He started as he tried to start a conversation but you still kept quiet.
"I know it hurts and I know—"
"I'm going to hurt you if you don't just shut it for the next hour."
You snapped at him cuasing him to keep quiet for another moment but he then spoke up again:

"How are you feeling right now?"
He muttered and kept his eyes ahead as you both stepped through the grassy lands heading back.
"Like shit . You blind?"
You glared and he sighed.
"I'm really trying here y/n"
He whispered almsot as if it was to himself and you huffed.
"Try less and maybe keep quiet."
You replied and he shook his head but complied.
For the next 30 minutes you stood walking in the feild in silence.

Alll you could think about was ghost , you couldn't get the image of him dead out of your head. You've seen a lot of shit in your time and your head hasn't been cleared of all that baggage and such so ghosts death just added. It added more unwanted feelings , it opened a wound that was still not healed yet. You didn't know what you wanted but all you could do was get to your family. Get to price , Gaz and Alejandro. Soap was gone and now ghost was. You wanted to believe they were somewhere peaceful , where all there worries were gone but it was hard to really get a grasp on where they truly went.

Nobody in life truly knows where you go before people die. People don't know where people go after death but some like to believe that there is a after life . Some don't and that's okay. It's just still a hard thing to try and understand but yet again the suffering ended. Ghost didn't die alone , he died in your arms, he died seeing that you were alive. He was glad that you were alive but before he died which he knew was going to happen he was worried on if you would survive or not but he was able to watch over you. That's what you thought at least , you thought he would be watching over you. You hoped that wherever ghost was you hoped that soap was with him to. You hoped they were at peace but you also hoped that you'd get to see them again.

An hour passed and it started getting darker finally and you both finally made it into the neighborhood. The dead walking around , blood , fire and chaos still lurking around. You were back where you had left but you weren't in the same part of the neighborhood as last time. You were in a upper part. A part where the houses were more upper class , more bigger and more spread out and expensive. Some people called them the rich houses but they were just overpriced because of the looks but in reality they cost the same as everything else. You flicked out your pocket knife again and you looked towards graves.

"We break in to one of the houses and stay there until it breaks morning."
You explained and graves shook his head.
"We can't just break into someone's house."
He countered and your eyes narrowed as you turned to look at him.
"There are no laws anymore , world ended and so did everything else."
You shook you head and graves sighed and shrugged.
" we get into a small but decent house , too big and will be too much ground to cover"
You added and he gave a small nod before giving you soft smirk.
"Using your smarts huh? You always were smart."
He chuckled and you kept quiet as you moved quietly but quickly into the neighborhood. You looked around spotting a good house where it seemed like it would be a good hideout for the night and you hurried quickly onto the property.

Graves followed behind you making sure none of the infected noticed. You quickly check the lock seeing the door was opened and you wasted no time and you walked inside , seeing that the house looked ransacked. Shattered glass lied on the floor along with broken family photo frames as well as holes in the wall and some furniture knocked over. You looked at the overall state seeing that it was just outright wrecked.
"Home sweet home."
You say bluntly as you stepped in a graves let off a small chuckle and followed in behind you.

Where the wind flowed you tend to follow but for now all you could do was hear and swallow. For one's true meaning wasn't at stake for the one's desire lied awake. There wasn't much you for to do as you could keep running for you had new meaning but it wasn't cunning. Old souls were met with again for there lied greater purpose that needed to bend.

But most of all a new journey lied ahead....

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