Lethal points (chapter 25)

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A/n- grays back with the milk yall , enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoy looking at ghosts tiddies— 🌚✨

Is started getting darker as you both had moved way out into the forest away from the city , away from any possible people and hopefully infected. You pulled away from graves wiping your tears that streamed down your face and he gave you a small little nod as he gently fixed your hair seeing as it was a bit messy and he looked away and around before seeing a small cave up ahead as you bother were now just heading out into the mountains , the forest still being as prominent as before just more uphill.As you and Graves continued along the path through the rugged mountains, you started to notice the darkness closing in more. The sun was setting behind the trees, casting long shadows across your path. The soft rustle of the leaves and the sound of your footsteps echoed through the forest as you made your way over to the.

"We can settle down here for the night , hopefully get some sleep."
Graves suggested and you gave a nod looking out into the cave ,Graves and you both carefully stepped in , taking in the cool air that emanated from within. As you ducked under the entrance, you felt the soft soil beneath your feet. The air in the cave was cold and damp, and you see some rocks and other stones lying around. As you looked on the ground your eyes widened a bit and you tensed as you noticed an animal track engraved in the ground beneath you.
"Somethings been here..."
You looked towards graves before hearing a growl come from in front of you.

As you heard the low growl. You both froze in place, scanning the darkness for the source of the sound.
"What the hell.."
Graves grew tense as well before getting close to you in a protective manner. After a moment you heard a rustling sound and saw a large, dark shape emerging from the shadows. You took a step back as the figure approached, its eyes glowing in the dim light. It was a lynx, its bushy tail swishing back and forth as it padded towards you. The lynx had a large fluffy tail and short legs with large paws. It has a long pointed face with cat like eyes and long pointed ears. The lynx had a distinct black-tipped nose and a small patch of black above its eyes, as well as many scars around its body and it part of its ear looks as if it had been bitten through.

As the lynx bared its teeth before you could step back it lunged at you. You ducked quickly narrowly avoiding it as its claws caught in your shirt a bit tearing it, having the pocket knife that you had on you ready and graves eyes widened as the lynx went for him , bearing its teeth at him and trying to slash at him with its sharp claws.
Seeing the lynx shift its focus towards Graves, you looks for a point to try and get it away.
"A bit help here would be nice yknow."
Graves struggled a bit as the four legged feline kept trying to attack only to be met with the bottom of graves boot.
"I'm trying here yknow , not my fault we walked into a  fucking giant ass cats house"
You struggled as you tried kicking it off graves without getting yourself injured.

The lynx was now fully focused on Graves as its teeth bared and its claws bared as it was determined to attack him.
In one swift motion you lunged forward, your pocket knife extended in front of you.  You went towards the lynx  getting a good eye on where you could get a lethal pinpoint and you went over and stabbed it in the neck. The lynx let out a loud yowling noise, staggering back as it injured its neck. Its eyes narrowed in anger as it looked at you, before slowly slinking away into the floor as it bled out on the cave floor. Your knife still in its neck. You quickly pulled your knife out of the lynx's neck and stood up breathing deeply. You quickly cleaned the blade of your knife  making sure it was secure. You felt your heartbeat racing and your palms were sweating, but you knew you had to stay calm. You looked around the cave, searching for any more danger but The cave was quiet and you were able to catch your breath.

Graves stood catching his breath as well. His heart rate still high as yours and he looked at you and looked at the dead lynx before brushing himself off and dragging the lynx outside of the cave. He came back in and looked at you as he had his flashlight on and he rubbed his elbows and brushed himself off as he looked at you.
"Cats out of the bag now.."
He muttered and you gave him a "what the fuck?" Sort of look.
You sighed and he shook his head.
"Very American though , taking what's not ours. Seems about right."
He shrugged before setting himself down onto the ground before grabbing a few things out of his back.
"Sounds like Christopher Columbus."
You joked a bit as He grabbed a thin blanket and threw it to you before checking his socks and such.

You caught the blanket and gave him a confused look before sitting on the floor of the cave as well , feeling the cool damp ground beneath you and propped your legs up and looked at him.
You threw at him and he chuckled a bit.
"Okay little British girl."
He retorted.
"Your mother."
You rolled your eyes a bit in a joking manner and he smiled to himself before nodding to you.
"You should rest though I'll take night's watch. God knows what's out here."
You ordered a bit and he went to speak but you gave him a stern look as he remembered last night and he nodded as he flicked off his flashlight and leaned a bit on the floor as he threw the thin blanket over him as well as you did the same with the one he had given you and you gently set it over your lap and took a deep breath.

As for one was one with the woods for there lord head much goods.

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