There (chapter 14)

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As you both kept walking you saw a road up ahead that lied down a path of houses as you had both finally reached the beginning to middle of the neighborhood. You took out your pocket knife as you saw you were reaching near the neighbor hood and you kept a firm grip on it as you knew chaos lurked. Graves scanned the area ahead and his eyes widened and he grabbed you , pulling you down onto the ground causing you to kneel and you were about to say something until he held a finger up to his lips telling you silently to stay quiet.

You made a bit of a confused face as you didn't know what was up but he gestured ahead showing you that there was a hoard of infected. Once something that roamed with life now had roamed with nothing but blood and lifelessness.
You saw how the hoards were fresh as they had new wounds , pale yet fresh skin and they weren't seemingly decaying. It seems that the virus had maybe mutated and got out of hand and people were just realizing that there was nothing they could do to really stop it and that's why everything got out of hand. There was no warning of anything as this had gotten out of hand at last minute and you could clearly tell that since there was no international warning as they're should've been.

The world was fucked.

You watched as the hoard was roaming around and such while some people were running from them. You saw one man running in the distance and you could hear the distance echo of his screams as the hairs started to run after him as they had gotten distracted and went after the man. You saw how they ran and you felt a shiver go down your spine and you felt your blood run cold as you realized the severity.
"Those fuckers can fucking run.."
You whispered quietly and graves shook his head.
"Well you better slow your breathing to keep up while running."
Graves muttered as he moved ahead but kept on a crouching level trying to keep low as he moved foward. You followed a after him after two minutes of more crawling you made it the the road. You saw some remains and blood lying in the side of the road, the blood blending in with the dark asphalt.

You kept low and scanned the area ahead and graves looked at you and kept close which had made you tense but you didn't say anything about it.
"You follow behind me and when I tell you to run you run."
He explained quietly and firmly and you gave a quiet nod , you were almost reconsidering being with him but after how far you've gone from the airport on foot you couldn't really turn back. You knew that as much as you wanted to turn around and find ghost you knew that he'd find and way to get back to you. Graves got ready and run and he looked behind you and gave the signal.

You ran.

Your legs moved quickly as your feet hit the ground and your muscles started to burn up again as you ran quickly , keeping your knife out on hand. Graves ran ahead of you quickly keeping In Front of you trying to lead the way. Fires had broken out, cars were flipped and crashed while others looted and burned down anything they could get there hands on , infected roamed and helicopters and planes could be heard above and beyond in the air. As you ran , infected started to run behind you causing you to pick up the pace as your adrenaline raced and kicked up in your system.

"Where the fuck are you going!"
You shouted as you ran next to graves , following through the once neighbor now a lifeless hellish place where once people roamed , now lied infected and filled with looters and people who had malicious motives and intentions.
"Just keep up."
Graves huffed out as his breath grew ragged as he made a turn down lake street and began slowing down to a pace of a jog as his legs grew tired as the same did for yours and you started to
Slow down greatly. As you slowed and followed behind graves you saw the infected catch up and
you panicked before trying to quicken your pace

As you tried keeping up one of the infected tried grabbing your causing you to tense and take the hand you had your knife and a slash them. You managed to catch them in there face , cutting between there nose and eyes making causing a dark red crimson to flow out from there face. The infected let off a weird gargling sreech like noise and kept up and you came to a quick halt before stabbing the infected victim in the neck causing there body to stop and drop to the floor without word. You eyes widned as you tried processing everythung but as you tried shaking it off as you spoke.
"Graves i swear to fuck—"
Before you could get another word out you were pushed into a backyard.

Falling into the grass with a slight thud you let off a small groan as the stuff you had in your backpack pile your body and you  got up quickly and as you did you saw graves standing before you as he locked the metal gate as infected tried crowding and trying to get in to where you all were.
"Where here. We can gather some things before heading to the depot."
He informed as he heaved a little and stood a by hunched over as he tried to catch his breathe.

One stop bad been hit and others still stood for you were thankfully breathing and away from the herd. For death was on the rise and loved ones still stood around you needed a plan but that was inbound.

Better days (book two , graves an reader)Where stories live. Discover now