New finds (chapter 27)

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A/n- I've come back , sorry I took so long I'm searching for my sanity still

You and graves continued up into the woods walking , talking a bit as you walked over he damp ground over broken branches , trees , large stones and other rocks as well. Your boots were a bit dirty but you didn't mind as wel as graves didn't as wel and he kept walking with you , enjoying the bit of peace youve both currently have after all that has happened , he hoped these moments would calm your mind a bit.
"You ever thought about dipping your hand in a bucket of paint?"
You spoke randomly and he cocked a eyebrow at you.
"No but with your intrusive thoughts it makes me wonder if I want to."
Graves nudged you and you grinned , you talking to him distracted you a bit from your dream that you had last night but as much as it slowly creeped up on you , the more you and graves talked the more it calmed you and you stopped ththinking about it.

The air was a bit humid and dry but you didn't mind as it was better than rain and you figedted a bit with the straps of your bag before looking ahead of you and speaking up again.
"You ever miss anyone?"
You asked.
"All the time , missed you a lot."
Graves answered gently as he looked at you.
"Clearly. You ever think things could've changed or gone differently if shit didn't hit the fan?"
You looked at him and he pondered for a moment before speaking.
"Of course , in meeting ghost would've killed me if I came near. You could've passed exams and could've live a good life.."
He spoke softly and thoughtfully.
"He would still be here…"
You sighed and kept quiet but he put his arm around you gently.
"Think on the bright side , you'll see the others soon , there trained soldiers. They'll handle it."
He tried reassuring you.
"Ghost was Also trained an he died…"
You said quietly.
"He was caught in a bad moment, hopefully the others weren't."
He gently squeezed your arm as you both kept walking.

For the rest of the few hours you both kept walking , legs tired and sore as you tripped and staggered a bit while walking. You let off a deep huff as you leaned on a tree and you looked towards graves.
"Fucking legs hurt…dunno what happened. Went from going on missions to feeling like I'm older than old.."
You leaned down with your hands on your knees as you caught your breath a bit trying to let your muscles rest for a moment.
"Yeah and you say I'm old."
Graves says sarcastically and you looked towards him.
"Cause you are."
You say matter of fact ly.
"Such kind words."
He chuckled and you gave a small grin towards him but you soon grew alert an tense as you heard someone come from behind.
"Raise your hands and don't move."
A deep voice came from behind and you tense , graves went to look behind him , glancing a bit as he saw a tall armed man. Light skinned wearing black tactical wear as well as being armed with a rifle.

You felt the man place the tip of the rifle behind your head and you grew more tense and on edge as you slowly raised your hands keeping them upright.
"Who the fuck are you."
You growled lowly.
"Someone your not gonna like if you don't cooperate."
The man replied and you glared as you felt him run a hand over you trying to get your bag strap off you.
"Keep your damn hands off her."
Graves snapped in low tone and the man glared.
"Should shoot both of you down-"
And before the man could get another word out you turned on your heel quickly and you grabbed the barrle of the gun and pointed it up , grabbing it harshly as you then kicked him off his legs onto the ground causing him to now be lying on his back , your old training skill kicking in as you then turned his gun on him , staring daggers at him.
"You have two minutes to tell me who the fuck you are or I'll shoot you instead and god forbid your infected or soul help me I'll shoot without question."
You warned and he backed up a bit as his eyes widned and graves turned to you.
"Y/n don't."
Graves tone was now firm as he looked towards you but you kept your eyes on the man as he was your main focus.

"Speak up."
You gave off a warning shot, a loud popping noise rining off throughout the distance , birds scattering as they fly off being spooked from the sudden noise. The man grew tense and raised his hands slowly as he stood on his bottom , sitting up staring at you.
"Alright alright…names Jack , was looking to see if there was anyone outside…anyone near.."
He muttered and you glared at him.
"So your first answer was to put the end of the rifle to my head. Fucking dumb bitch."
You spat and he sighed.
"Didn't know if you were armed or not. Had too. You know how things are going currently. Can't trust shit."
Jack spoke up and you looked towards graves.

Graves looked at you unsure of what to do next but he took a deep breath and soon spoke up.
"What was your plan to look for people in the first place."
Graves asked and Jack looked at him.
"Survivors , there's a group of people up ahead trying to find anyone. Trying to stay together since people are dropping like flies."
Jack explained slowly , a slight Russian accent being shown more.
"Wait a group already?…"
Graves looked at him and you kept your eyes narrowed.
"Could be a trap for we know."
You growled.
"We're looking for people."
He shot at you.

As you and Graves continued to interrogate Jack, the tension in the air was palpable. You couldn't relax your guard not after having a rifle pointed at your head moments ago But as you continued to question him, you started to feel a sliver of hope. If there was a group of survivors ahead then maybe you weren't as alone as you thought. Maybe there was a chance of finding a safe place for the night, a place where you could find some semblance of normalcy and who knows maybe someone you know will be there.

As Jack continued to talk, he offered more information about the group ahead. They were called the Survivors of Hope, and they were made up of a mix of civilians and ex-military personnel. The group's goal was to find allies and band together to form a stronger community in the face of what was happening now.
"I'm telling you , we're a group of individuals, mixed with civilians and ex military….you seem to be some sort of military..considering your so young seems a bit more like a lie."
Jack eyed you.
"Child soldier."
You glared and jacks face dropped a bit. As you turned to Graves you could see that he was just intrigued on what would happen. He looked at you as if to say, "What do you think?".

"Fuckin hell….whats your fucking point."
You snap.
"You can join. Stay until your off to wherever you are…."
Jack raised his hands a bit as he leaned up a bit.
"Why should we go?"
Your eyes narrowed more.
"Because there's someone you might know or not."
He said firmly.

For one was of need of others to flow for one's true meaning would lie in one row.

Better days (book two , graves an reader)Where stories live. Discover now