Distant times (chapter 13)

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A/n- kinda short chapter but enjoy anyways my little shits for the poetic rizzler will write more soon

"We gotta keep moving."
You huffed out and walked passed graves as you kept moving through the tall grass keeping quiet as your thoughts started to run again. You knew that ghost could keep himself safe you just didn't know how he would find you or how you would find him. You were unsure and that left you feeling weary now that you were back with the man that cuased you a lot of stress and pain.
Graves caught up to you and his facial expressions her soft as he looked at you seeing how deep in thought you looked. He could see the stress in your face and he knew there was a lot on your mind but decided to go against asking.

You felt the cool air against your face and body as you walked through the grassy plains. There was a prone and prominent earthy smell that filled the air and the ground beneath you was very firm but kinda mushy from the mix of water and dirt that created a almost mud like texture. You moved quickly and as you looked into the distance there was only grassy planes. Graves looked at you and his gaze softened and he let off a small cough as he clears his throat getting ready to speak.
"You've grown a lot I see..."
He muttered and you kept quiet not answering much.
"Your what...19 now?"
He asked and you glared at him.
"I am..."
You replied while you kept walking.

Graves stood quiet for another moment. He wanted to speak to you. To ask how everything was but he knew that answer already much. While for you on the other hand you wanted to ask him if he could've changed those moments in time back when you were 15. You wished you could just go back to normal life. You hoped that ghost was safe as well as he didn't leave the back of your mind. You know ghost can handle himself and keep himself safe but what if he couldn't ? What if he couldn't handle things ? What if he he was already dead or shot? What if he was infected or injured? Your mind ran with all the possibilities as you kept thinking as you kept to yourself keeping reserved.

"You look different from when I last saw you.."
He tried starting up a conversation with you hoping to fill the void of silence that was currently in the air.
"That's what's agining is dumbass...I can say the same for you with all them grays.."
You mumbled and he let off a soft chuckle.
"I see you've still got your wit to ya.."
He gave a small weak smile.
"I still see your a traitor."
You glared and he sighed.
"Y/n I know I fucked up but please let me show you I changed...."
He tried reasoning with you.

"Why are you here anyways in the first place."
Your hostility still showed greatly as you spoke firmly.
"I was here looking for you to try and see if I could fix things up.."
He continued and you shook your head not really Beliving his words. He really did change and he wanted to change for you. It took him so long to try and find you and now he's managed to get to you but he can see how much he's hurt you and how much it's stuck with you and how it's going to stick with you for the rest of your life. He knows your never going to forget what had happened and he knows all the things that you've gone through and he can't blame you for being like that as this was really his fault.

As you listened to his words you snap your head looking at him and your eyes narrowed.
"You want to fix this ? After everything you've done? Fucking bullshit lies."
You blurted and he looked down for a second before looking back at you.
"Y/n I wouldn't have come this far looking for you if I didn't want to change things and fix it."
He argued as his hand ball of gently at his sides as he grew a little more discouraged but he wanted to keep trying to reconnect.

It was up now up to you to reciprocate those feelings of reconnecting. You wanted to but that grudge you still held and holded tightly would not let you but deep down you truly did want to reconnect with him. You wanted to be able to see him in a new light. You wanted to see just how much he had actually changed and how much he was able to do now and what he was going to do now.

Walking dead and ashes rose for one's new mission was at its toll. One went missing and the others are dead for new meaning could lie ahead.

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