Setting out (chapter 4)

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A/n- HEY! Here's a chapter for you all , it's pretty decent but in my opinion could be better but I'm tired. It's also break but I wanted to give you all something special as like a little Christmas gift so here's a chapter :) , enjoy !

—the peotic rizzler


It was about 5 in the morning.

You heard a loud knock on your door as you groaned and rolled in your bed , keeping under the covers as you were tired get comfy and warm. You heard the knock turn into a bang and you jolted up from your slumber and you glared at the door and groaned.
"Come in."
You say groggily as you rubbed your eyes as Simon opened your door letting the light from the hallway illuminate your dark and cold room. You weren't much of a morning person and Simon knew this well but you had to get up as today was The deparcher day came for you and Simon to head to the airport to go and catch your flight to go back to see the others.

"Wake your ass up, we gotta catch the flight so get dressed."
Simon says firmly before walking off and leaving your door opening. You open your eyes fully and let out a long, frustrated groan. You're not a morning person, and the thought of waking up early to start the day is enough to make you want to bury your head in the pillow. Despite your dislike for the early hour, you drag yourself out of bed and stumble towards the bathroom. Your muscles are still stiff from sleeping, and your eyes feel heavy and tired. You splash your face with cold water and try to shake off the grogginess, but it's still a struggle.

You brushed your teeth and your hair slowly , taking your time as you weren't in the mood to rush. As you get dressed, you feel like you're moving in slow motion, each movement taking twice as long as it normally would. Even the act of brushing your teeth feels like a chore but you make it through. You wore the hoodie that was Simon's since it gave you a sense of comfort and  some sweat pants and sneakers from your closet. You grabbed your suitcase and placed your phone into your pocket along with your headphones  and you brought it downstairs carefully and once you set it down carefully you let off a long yawn and a nice stretch.

As you stretched out your limbs you saw Simon ready as can be wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans along with black shoes and his old skull mask with the print on it instead of the actual skull mask he normally used on missions. He saw the grumpy look on your face but paid no mind as he was used to seeing it often when you had to wake up in the mornings.
"For Someone who's 19 seems very grumpy, like a middle-aged lady."
Simon joked and you glared at him.
"Says the grown ass man who cried over the queen."
You retorted back and Simon shook his head.
"Okay misses grump. The taxis on its way come to pick us up and bring us to the airport."
He informed you and you gave a small nod as you stepped outside and he locked the door to the apartment.

Today was the day you'd be home.

It was cool and dark outside as You and Simon waited outside for the taxi. There was a slight breeze and the streets were empty as everyone around had been sleeping out just getting up for work. You've been waiting on the curb for what feels like hours, your suitcase heavy at your feet, with Simon who towers over you, standing at a massive 6 '4 with broad shoulders and muscular arms. A skull tattoo sleeve covers his right arm, the image of a skull looking out from under a balaclava that covers his face. Despite his intimidating appearance, his eyes are a warm and inviting brown, and he reaches down to help you with your suitcase as he sees the taxi near.

As time drags on, your frustration grows from your grumpiness and not to mention the lack of food in your system since you hadn't eaten breakfast yet. Suddenly, you hear the sound of tires on the road, you see the taxi approaching as it's bright headlights have been turned up and lighting the road in front of the view. As the taxi pulls up to the curb, you can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. Simon walks up to the taxi as you do as well and he places the luggage in the trunk and he then closes it and opens the door for you to get in. The metal door swishes open, and you climb inside. The air conditioner is blasting, sending a cool breeze in your direction that feels perfect on your skin.

You lean back in your seat, suddenly feeling much more relaxed than you were just moments before. The seat cushions of the taxi are worn and soft, like they've been loved and used for years. There are little scratches on the dashboard and the window handles, signs of years of use. You imagine all the people who have been in this car before, all the places it's driven. The taxi driver turns around to look at Simon and you watched as the drivers face turned pale. The driver was not expecting a man in a skull mask along with a young19 year old  girl such as yourself in the back of his car. You find yourself lost in thought, traveling back to memories you hadn't thought of in a while.

You were broken from your thoughts as you heard Simon speak to the taxi driver.
"To the airport."
His gruff and deep British morning voice pulling through strongly as he himself was still tired.
The taxi driver who wore a black medical mask gave a small nervous nod and he started to drive away from the apartment as you were all now headed to the airport. As you looked out the window for a moment your eyes widened.
"Fuck I think I forgot the-
"Already have them."
Simon pulled the passports out of his pocket and you breathed in relief and Simon shook his head.
"Your lucky I know you well."
Simon gave a small chuckle and you gave a groggy smile.
"Whatever old man."
You nudged him and he smirked under his mask.
"Well this "old man" will still kick your ass yeah? Your 19 and still forgetting important shit but can't lie , your doing good for the most part."

You smiled at his words.

Simon was a good man at heart , you knew it. He may seem cold and a dick at first but he really can be caring. He has his own things to deal with but he still manages to get around. You hate that you often tend to think about graves still. You still think about soap often. You can't seem to forget but the more you think the more you tend to say
"What could have I done?". Graves was already set and out of prison now but you wondered where he was at. You sighed and turned to keep looming out the window and you watched as you rolled away from the apartment to get to the airport.

Things lurk in the air getting carried by wind but the more your out the more it'll win. The steaks are high and your thoughts are set low but dangers are at set and your can't do nothing but row.

Better days (book two , graves an reader)Where stories live. Discover now