Reunion (chapter 11)

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A/n- long chapter hoes so enjoy for the rizzler has more to write and is on her writing streak

You dropped the broom away from his neck and took a step back and you felt your hands grow a little shaky as the adrenaline started to course through your body quickly as your body was now in fight or flight mode. You watched as graves took his free hand and removed his mask confirming that it was truly him and he had a guilty yet firm look on his face.
You whispered to yourself as you backed away and you looked towards the utility door as you heard screaming come from the other side.
"Listen I know it's alot to take in—"
Before he could get another word out you swung at him.  You fist clenched tight as you let loose with all your force, swinging at his face with one punch.

Graves felt his whole world spin momentarily, and he feels his lips go white with nervousness as he realizes just how quickly his words and show up led him to disaster. Blood dripped from his nose , the red crimson flowing freely down his face as he had taken the blow. He brought his hand up to his face and wiped the blood off onto his hand and he looked at the red that you have caused but he shook his head and sighed.
"You fucking left you me you fucking cockeater."
You snapped in a low tone as you felt all your pent up feelings pour out.
"You got soap killed , you almost got ghost killed and you gave me up after you left after saying there would be better days?  and after that you thought just because you got me out of there by shooting my father because he crossed a fine like and  that was after me you thought that was gonna be all fine and dandy after? You filled my head with lies and you didn't care about me and you filled me with a fear that no one should have to deal with because of someone else's selfishness"
Your voice raised to the point you were almost yelling now at him.

Graves stood quiet and for a moment he stood like that before speaking.
"I fucked up I know...I did what was right at the end even if I fucked it up in the beginning okay. I know how you feel....i know thoughts have tortured you for the months and I know that what I did cannot be erased but I am telling you that is not how I wanted it to go. Deal was I handed you in and that was it nothing would happen but he wanted you dead and...I couldn't let that happen alright.."
He defended himself as he tried to give you reasoning.
"You gave me up after filling my head with bullshit lies , you almost got me killed and got others killed as were supposed to be in prison."
You glared at him.
" I was but I got out on bail...listen y/n...I know everything seems messy and seems bad but let me tell you that I'm sorry alright...sorry ain't gonna fix it but I'm telling you now on my dead grandmothers grave that I swear I'm sorry for what I did. I know it was wrong and I can't change it and that I put you through more than you needed to be but I am truly sorry...your forgiveness is a don't have to but I understand if you don't."
He explained in a low steady voice making your firm and harsh look to soft as it filled with emotion.

"Graves I-..."
You felt your eyes glaze over with tears , a feeling that had been stored away in the back of your mind crept back up on you. On so many levels you wanted to just scream at him and wish it would end but you also wanted to hug him and tell him that it's okay. The part of you that wants to scream is your present self while your inner child still wants to understand and hug it out. You looked away as you tried not to let your tears flow and you felt that familiar lump in your throat form. You were going to speak before you heard more screams and more gunshots ring out from behind the utility door that led out into the airport and you froze and looked at graves.

"Enough of this shit we gotta go."
You pulled yourself together before you opened the utility closet to see some people with strong symptoms of the virus. The bloodshot eyes were the most noticeable part of it all as well. A clear and early sign of infection. Graves followed and stood next to you and his eyes widened as he saw all the chaos that lied about. Before anything else could happen shots rang off causing the hair on your body to stand as your adrenaline rushed more out and before anything else you were being dragged again by graves.

"We need to get out of here now"
He says firmly as he started to run causing you to pick up the pace and run with him.
"Wait but what about ghost I can't leave him"
You argued as you ran quickly through the crowds of people , running behind graves.
"Will look for him later but for now we gotta keep on the move"
He says firmly as he pushed past people trying to head down a hallway for 'staff only'.
"We can make it outside through here."
Graves informed as he made his way into and down the staff hallway corridor with you following behind him. The people were less and the crowds were gone. You were both now in a sort of the airport that was staff only and was mostly empty , just concrete flooring and walls with a few signs that hung up.
"I can't fucking leave ghost you fucking dickeater."
You snapped loudly causing his eyes to narrow.
You didn't want to leave ghost one bit. He's helped you all throughout most of your teen years and he's done so much and you cared about him more than yourself. You couldn't leave him but you knew that this situation was rising and there wasn't much of a choice for you to make as if you didn't leave you'd either get caught in the crowd or worse.

"Y/n we don't have time. We will find him after.."
Graves blurted and you shook your head.
"Why should I listen to a traitor?"
You glared and he sighed.
"Please I promise."
You listened to his words and kept a glare before going into your bag and pulling out a pocket knife that you had been given by ghost. You flicked it open and slowly walked up to graves , pointing it in his direction as you eyed him down.
"Pull anything and I'll make sure that I won't leave evidence."
You threatened and he gave a small quick nod before turning his head and swiftly making it down the hall corridor. You followed behind him , the only thing to be heard was the echo of yours and his footsteps and the subtle breathing from both you and him.

He was back and hell was on the rise for both you knew this couldn't be demise.

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