Back (chapter 10)

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A/n- as mentioned in the a/n reader is 19 years old as this is book two and it's mentioned in first chapter but enjoy !

You followed ghost as you watched around you as crowds formed and the rise in security watches grew. You knew ghost had things under control but what if he didn't ? You didn't want to think about that but that's all that flooded your mind. You were worried that ghost might not be able to protect you but yet again that could've been your anxiety talking to you. Ghost walked quickly and he kept quiet as he walked over to the group of soldiers. He knew his way around and he knew that he could possibly get through to them but yet again those soldiers had orders and weren't breaking them for nothing at the moment.

"Sir this building is on lockdown. I'm going to need you to step aside."
The soldier said firmly , his grip on his rifle tightening as he he eyed down ghost , the other soldiers keeping post as they watched and tried to order others to back away.
"What for?"
Ghost questioned , his tone firm and unwavering causing the soldiers to tense a bit but they didn't back down.
"This is a qaurentine zone , there's been a outbreak here and we're trying to get everything under control."
The soldier said as he looked at his budddy giving a silent signal as more people started to crowd.
"This isn't helping shit."
You seethed and your eyes narrowed , you were scared but you were also fustrated.

"I'm still going to need both of you to step back."
The soldier raised his rifle a bit more causing ghosts gaze to harden more as he grew closer to you , putting his body more in front of you incase anything happened. At this point you could forget luggage because you both had bigger problems on your shoulders. Your hard look turned to one of worry and concern as you replayed the soldiers words in your head and your eyes widened as you realized the true severity of the situation. You can hear the sound of gunfire in the distance again , and you know that the situation is only going to get worse. The soldiers tried pushing people back still as everyone was growing more fearful and confused.
"Move back!"
they shout, their guns raised.
"Stay back!"
The crowd doesn't seem to care. They keep pushing forward, trying to get out of the airport and away from the chaos that has erupted.

"You don't understand!" one of the soldiers yells, holding his gun up.
"We have to close the airport! It' is now a quarantine zone!"
The soldiers were just trying to do their jobs and keep everyone safe But the crowd had other ideas as They kept pushing forward not caring about the warnings or the guns pointed at them.
You can see the frustration on the soldiers' faces, but they don't back down. They keep shouting warnings, trying to push the crowd back but it's clear that they're outnumbered. Suddenly, one of the soldiers set off a smoke bomb cuasing a large cloud of smoke to fill the area making people cough and hack a lung and the crowd finally freezes. The soldiers take advantage of the moment, pushing forward and closing the doors to the airport.

You can sense the fear and frustration on the soldiers' faces, but you also see their determination to do whatever it takes to keep people safe. You know that they're scared too, but they're doing their best to keep everyone alive.As the doors close and the airport goes into quarantine. There was no way out. As the smoke clouded and filled the air you felt your lungs tightened as you coughed and tried covering your mouth with your shirt to try and filter out the smoke so you could breathe. As the smoke continued to spread you felt someone grab your hand and pull you and drag you through the smoke.

As you were pulled through the smoke and finally out of it you were dragged and then pulled out into a utility closet.As you looked to see who it was pulling you away you let off a small gasp and you froze up pulling away and grabbing a broom getting ready to swing as you saw it was the man in the mask.
"Who the fuck are you."
You say firmly as you quickly moved and placed the broomstick under his neck , pushing him into the wall causing the broom stick to push against his esophagus. The man raised his hands slowly as he looked at you deeply , his blue eyes staring into yours as you held a firm look.


Ashes ashes we all fall down for new growing dust flows around. As for you your mystery was solved but your nerves and fears would not dissolve.

Better days (book two , graves an reader)Where stories live. Discover now