Studying dangers (chapter 2)

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A/n- wassup people the poetic rizzler is getting back on her writing grind. don't hate me for this chapter and it may seem like this is a totally different story but trust me it'll soon make sense later on in another chapter also this chap may be short (personally i think it's short) but enjoy !

Tw-depression mentions


5 years passed.

You are 19 now and had been taken in by ghost and 141 After that day when graves betrayed you, graves  who you once thought you could trust , someone who made empty promises had been arrested and taken into custody for child endangerment and had lost his right as a parent but the rest had been hidden from the eyes of the public and officers and he had been wiped clean of most of him crimes which included murder.
The murder of soap.

You still replay that day of when he was shot dead right in front of you and 141. You couldn't bear the pain of still thinking that you were the reason he died when in fact you weren't. Regardless if that day was five years ago you still felt that guilt and grief float around you and felt like bricks weight on your back. The day you , ghost , Gaz and price went to spread his ashes you broke down into tears. You watched as the dust and ash flowed into the wind , mixing with the earth itself and you just couldn't handle it.

After that had happened you stopped eating for a while and stopped taking care of yourself. You fell into a state of depression and at the time you were 14. Ghost had also been depressed about soaps passing but he had stood strong for you , he tried helping you as best he could while the others pitched in as well but other days left price and Gaz looking like two drowned cats. You wouldn't dare touch the shower and to get you near a bottle of water would leave them soaked by the time they barely came close to you. When you turned 15 it stood a little rocky but over time you got better and soon we're your normal self again.

When the team had taken you in you had then experienced true care , love , and what it get to have a normal family. Even if they weren't true blood that didn't matter because blood may be thicker than water but water isn't closed by judgment and ridden with lies but even sometimes water ran cloudy but you learned to trust them. You celebrated birthdays , holidays and even got used to Christmas and Halloween.
You never really celebrated anything when you were 1-14. It didn't make much sense to you given your circumstances and past when you were little but now you had something you wouldn't give the world for.

True family.

You currently were living with ghost in his apartment in Manchester England , his home place. You stood thinking in your room as you stood writing things down on your notepad as you sat at your desk studying for your last exam. You tapped your pencil on the desk as you looked to your left to look on your laptop as you were taking notes from your last chemistry classes slides.You were still in highschool as you had gotten left back a year , you were  disappointed but  ghost helped you as much as he could to be able to get you to your past year and to be a senior.

As you were writing things down you were broken from your thoughts as you hear a knock come from your door.
"Come in."
You said loudly as you didn't bother to even look up from your desk as you heard your door open.
"Hey kid it's me. How are studies going?"
Simon announced his presence as he walked into your room and walked up to you. His tall figure looming over you as he looked down at your hunched over form as you wrote and scribbled down notes.

''it's fine...hoping i get a good grade , this is the last exam as this terms ending and then graduation so....yeah..''
you muttered as you kept scribbling and writing , not even taking a moment to look up at simon, who stood standing patiently at your side. you fixed the hoodie you wore and you sighed as you felt that you would fail. your nerves were not calm as exams got closer and simon knew this as well. hes seen you stay up past 12 just to study , you've been losing sleep , eating less , you developed eye bags and he wasn't sure about your mental state.

simon nodded as he heard your words and he gave a small smile from underneath his mask as you finally set down your pencil and turned around to look at him. You couldn't see it directly but as you saw the small little creases in his eyes you knew it all too well. as simon had still worn the mask you learned and picked up on his mannerisms over the last few years you had been around him. he may seem like he wants to kill you when he looks at you but that's not really the case or as gaz had said once , he has a sort of resting bitch face.

'' Well, price , me and Gaz will be attending your graduation. we get to see the little shit we raised grow up''
he chuckled lightly and you gave a small smile and shook your hands as you stood up and wrapped your arms around him pulling him into a hug. simon's gaze softened at your affectionate gesture and he embraced you back , his muscular arms wrapping around you holding you tight. He smelled of sandal wood , gunpowder and mint. a comforting smell youll never forget.
'' thank you...''
you muttered against him and he held you tighter.
'' anytime y/n..''
he says softly as you both pull away for a moment.

'' You're 19 now. very grown , it was a bit difficult for us and even you but look at you know. your in school doing well and striving to be your best.''
he ruffled your messy head of hair and you smiled.
'' yeah i guess.''
you shrugged as you turned your head for a brief moment as you heard an alert notification come from your phone. simons head turned as well as he watched you grab your phone and read the alert message off your phone.

it had been a state wide message...

you eyes widened a little and simon leaned in to see what was said and he too stood with small look of concern in his eyes.

dangers lurked and dangers hide but now all the troubles couldn't be left behind. the signs were there and things stood rocky but for now you stood perplexed and your mind a little foggy.

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