Ashes (chapter 9)

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a/n- the poetic rizzler has updated , enjoy :D 

As time passed on the flight you had fallen asleep while ghost stood up and alert for your sake. The pilot announced that the plane was getting ready to land and others started to sit up more straight forward and look out there passenger windows. Ghost nudged you a little as he placed his backpack on his shoulder getting ready and he watched as your eyes slowly opened , slightly still closed as your eyes adjusted to the light and you raised your arms and stretched up as your body started to move and work as it went out of its sleepy state.

Your rolled your neck a bit as it was a little stiff from the postion you had slept in and you looked at ghost and looked around as you had realzied the plane was landing.
"C,mon wake up."
He said softly and you gave a small nod as you sat up straight and grabbed the bag that you had brought on the plane with you. You looked around as you saw many others getting ready and grabbing their stuff that they had in their hands and some had looks of relief on their face as the plane had made its way down onto the ground and landed into the  American airport. Many people unclipped their seatbelts and started to grab their bags from the overhead compartments as they stepped into the aisle to get ready to board off the plane and get to where they needed to be.

You stood up and stretched again feeling as you legs were stiff from sitting in the same position for a while. You looked around seeing as many people lined behind each other with there overhead luggage starting to walk off the plane and you kept behind ghost as you walked behind him. You've finally made it to your destination After a long, stressful flight.You breathe a sigh of relief and gather yourself as you make your way through the crowded airplane and towards the exit.As you push your way through the crowd, you notice the people around you are all in a hurry to get off the plane and You can't help but feel a sense of relief as you think to yourself for a moment. You pick up the pace and make your way towards the front of the plane where you'll find the exit to the airport and you stood close to ghost making sure you didn't lose him.

As you approach the door, you notice the bright, warm sunlight shining down on the ground and You take a deep breath of fresh air, feeling a sense of relief for one moment but your anxiety peaks again as you saw the man in the mask behind you , the one you are sure is graves.
You step off the plane and onto the terminal, your shoes clicking against the hard floor as Youwalked quickly and swiftly looking around at the crowds of people. all with their own destinations and journeys. Some are headed to meet loved ones, while others are on business trips. As you make your way towards the baggage claim, you see the conveyor belt rolling bringing out bags one by one but what caught your eye was the amount of military personnel lying around which had caused ghost to tense up himself and grow alert as much as you did.

Even though ghost was alert he stood calm and level headed regardless of what his mind thought of.your eyes narrowed and you looked up at him watching him carefully as you saw his gaze move towards them seeing that the personnel were armed as well. Heavily.
"What's going on?"
You questioned him as your tone was light and confused yet it held a sense of anxiety to it as well.
"Somethings not right..."
He muttered as he didn't even worry about baggage claim and he saw that they weren't letting anybody outside of the airport and the airport was currently going on a lockdown.
You watched as a lady tried getting through but was pushed harshly down to the floor as soldiers yelled orders and shouted.
"This area is on lockdown; no civilian is allowed to leave until further notice."
One of the soldiers' voices boomed as more people started to crowd and shout as they were confused as to why they weren't allowed outside.

"Eveyone back the fuck up!"
One soldier yelled as shots were rang into the air blankly causing people to panic and cower as they backed away and began moving back as they were confused and frightened. You flinched as you heard the gunshots and you noticed how ghost moved closer to you and he looked down at you after he scanned over the area.
"This has to be something with the virus , there not telling us something and the only time we're gonna know is when all hell breaks lose."
He muttered and he shook his head.
"But we'll be fine."
He added to try and keep you level headed and as calm as possible to keep you from panicking greatly and going into a state where you would break down and have a panic attack.

You noticed how some people started to put on masks and others wearing bandanas while others tried to find and get masks. You didn't understand what was happening but all you knew was that this was the viruses doing and that something was going to happen sooner or later.

Panic grew while confusion rose for new coming ashes would stray and stroll.

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