Explanations (chapter 22)

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"Well...before I was in the military and eventually found you , I was married , I wound up getting a divorce and I was left alone."
He started and you scoffed.
"You married? Shocker."
You say sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.
"Yes I was married , I get so called hoes or whatever your generation calls people now."
He muttered and you let off a small smirk causing him to lighten up a little.
"After shit hit the fan with your father and everything and after that I got arrested and placed in prison before getting bailed out and shit .Then I took a plane to go find you and now here we're are."
He broke it down yet got straight to the point as he spoke.
"We'll surprise , you came out at the wrong time."
You muttered as you both started to finish up eating your food , keeping your flashlight down as you didn't want to make to much light seen and you stood up and proceeded to throw out your dish in the sink leaving it there as there wasn't much to do.

Graves watched as you stood about walking off into the living room, brushing off the cough as you sat on it.
"I'll stay up and keep watch the first five hours , you rest and will interchange:"
You informed and graves face grew a bit solemn as he stood up leaving his plate on the table and he walked over to you , stepping over the glass and other brokers debris that lied on the floor.
"We're not in the military...we-"
"Doesn't matter , it's survival now. This is life now."
You cut him off before he could even finish his sentence and he sighed as he heard the annoyance in your tone.
"It doesn't matter , we may not be soldiers but we're also not military...but your point serves."
He didn't argue. He just watched as you fiddled around with the dog tags around your neck , the way you played with them a bit around your neck as you sat and started ahead.
''This may be life but we need to make the most of it okay? We will get through this and we will find the others.''
He spoke softly as he looked you over.
''Ill make sure we get out of this okay.''
He added as he gently placed his hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and you shook your head a bit and his look grew softer as he saw the sad look on your face. As he saw you keep quiet he spoke up again.
''Y'know what , i'll take first watch an you go rest okay?''
He rubbed your back a little but to try and comfort you , his hand rubbing in small circular motions and when you didn't pull away he was left a bit wide eyed but he soon pulled back as you stood up and kept quiet as you walked off and upstairs to the second floor with you and all your stuff. He kept quiet before sitting down on the couch himself thinking.

As you walked upstairs you made your way to the master bedroom and you set your things aside and you simply slid into the bed , not caring who had slept there before you. You couldn't deny that you weren tired and exhausted from everything and even more so feeling overwhelmed and a strong feeling of grief too. You wanted it all to end but you knew that other things lied ahead.It feels like the world around you is falling apart. You can't concentrate on anything else because there's this deep, heavy sensation in your chest that seems to be weighing you down. You can't shake the feeling that something else will happen, even though everything seems sane at the moment. It's as if all the color has been drained from the world, and you're surrounded by a darkness that feels all-encompassing.

You tried getting comfortable under the covers but you couldn't shake off the thought of ghost. As you thought about him more you felt the tears prick your eyes and tried to keep yourself from crying but it was a bit too late as the tears started to roll down your cheeks. You left off a small ragged huff as you got choked up and you slowly felt yourself start to break.
"I'm sorry..."
You whispered quietly to yourself as you looked at ghosts old dog tags but as you did so you didn't even hear graves walking up to the door.
He leaned on the door frame and he looked at you , your back facing him and he left off a small sad look as he heard your soft whispering and the way you got choked up.
He started as he walked over and gently , keeping his flashlight down and his footsteps light as he neared.
"I know the feeling of loss..."
He went on as he sat down at the edge of the bed , cuasing the bed to dip a bit as he did so.

You didn't even bother to move much as you caught up thinking about ghost.
"Everything in my life is fucked up , very little rare good times. Shit fucking sucks and Simon's gone , I don't even know if the others are alive still and everything is feeling really fucking low. We have fucking dead people running around like the last of us and shit ain't right.."
You rambled as your voice caught in your throat a bit as you your keeping yourself from breaking even if you were on the verge of doing so.
"I know...."
He murmur as he gently yet hesitantly raised his hand and placed it on your shoulder.
"He was always caring of you , it showed a lot. I know you miss him and I know your angry but he wants you to keep going like he said before..."
He trailed off as you grew tense and he then pulled away and stood up again.
"Just get some rest...."
He spoke softly as he walked out closing the door behind him to give you privacy and he walked back downstairs as he was on watch duty.

Dusk till dawn till day till night for one's flight wasnt right. It was a rough patch you couldn't lie but death grew higher and bodies rolled by. Life was ending yet there would be signs across the way , that life would soon flourish and make way.

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