Chapter 1

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Guys first I want to say.... I am really new to writing so mistakes will come .....please bare with it ... Grammatical mistake and type error mistakes will come while writing so please bare with it.....

So story starts from here.....


Person:  Hello yes....there is no change .... I want that deal..... Karma industry need that deal....No one can't take that deal especially Maheswari Industry..... If Maheswari Industry get that deal then I can't complete my revenge.....So everything should be go according to my plan......

After telling this he turn to mirror and said

Person: Mr DP think that I will sit silent after what all things you have did with me.... I came back to your life only to destroy you..... Do you know and your son is the main culprit behind my misteries....I won't allow anybody to play with me ..... I will destroy Maheshwari industry and I will also destroy the happiness of your son... I won't allow laksh to marry swara this is my promise .....yes Sanskar Maheshwari 's promise..

Yes guys that person is Sanskar........ Suddenly he heard another person's shouting

Person 2: Till I am alive I won't allow you to do like that.....

Sanskar suddenly turn and see his father is standing infront of his room..from his look he can say ...he heard everything.....

Sanskar: Papa

Sanskar's papa RP comes and slap sanskar....and said..

RP: how can you think like this....what they did to you that you want to take revenge from them... DP Bhai always loved you and you are taking revenge from him...tell me sanskar are acting as mentally unstable person till now just for your revenge...I can't believe that my son is doing like could you could you....

Sanskar: Wow papa you are still their side .... Your son  suffered this much day only because them only... Your Bhai made my life miserable and you are telling they are good and I am wrong ...... Laksh exposed my love to Bade papa and he told me to leave the house...after that I thought no problem, I will live with my Kavitha but there also he for his prestige he killed my Kavitha.... After this much your Bhai did with me then also you are favouring him ....more than me.... Wow papa do you ever loved me.... You are always behind your brother....I am really unlucky because even my parents is not supporting me....

RP: stop it sanskar....what do you think .... I am not supporting anyone... I am supporting you only... I don't want my son to go through wrong path just Because of some you get that...

Sanskar: what misunderstanding......

RP: First laksh didn't cheat you.... After he got to know that you are in love with Kavitha he tried to convince Bhai about your marriage with Kavitha... That time laksh don't know Bhai will behave like this... He thought that he could give a surprise to you... Because every time you are giving a surprise to him, he thinks that he can give a surprise by convincing bhayya...but it  all goes wrong route...

After hearing this sanskar world stopped there... Till today he thought that laksh inform DP about Kavitha due to jelousey but now he understood he is wrong in judging laksh but he won't forget what DP did with Kavitha...

RP: Yes after knowing you are in relationship with Kavitha bhayya got angry in the heat of the moment he told you to go from our home...but do you know after you left from here he became sad and tell us to find out you... Do you know laksh and adharsh looked for you everywhere but we didn't get any information.... After that we think that you will come after your angry subsidies...we waited for you...

Sanskar: please papa don't lie ..... He killed my Kavitha ...if he okay with me marrying Kavitha then why he killed Kavitha....

RP: who said to you that bhayya killed Kavitha... One day me and bhayya coming back from the construction site and our car breakdown and I went to search for the workshop nearby....that time one girl runs and comes towards bhayya and ask for help ...she is already got shot in her stomach and 4 gunde is following her ....after seeing bhayya they ran away...and bhayya tried to help her ....... he tried to  stop the vehicles coming through there but no one stopped their vhicle.... . Last I came with the mechanic and we hospitalised her but due to high blood lost she died immediately after we admitted her ....

After knowing the truth Sanskar's ground fall off from his leg.... He didn't except this story have this version.....

RP: Do you know for help we called laksh there and after he came we got to know that ....the girl is Kavitha your girlfriend........

Sanskar goes to the flashback.....

Marriage day of Kavitha and sanskar

Sanskar:  Kavitha ,I have done everything for the marriage...... The only necessary thing now I needed is you.... without you how can I marry......

Kavitha: sanskar.....I am coming .....I am just walkable distance from here.....give me just 5 min I will be there....

But suddenly he heard Kavitha 's panic voice

Kavitha : Who are you....what you want.....leave me I said me me....sanskar help me .......

Sanskar : Kavitha ... don't do anything...I am coming ....I am coming....

He ran from temple and he search her for everywhere at last he thought he should ask help from his family so he ran towards his house maheshwari mansion but what he see there just shocked him.... His bade papa's dress fully drenched with blood stain and AP asking DP what happened his reply shocked him .... This is Kavitha's blood our Sanskar's girlfriend don't ask anything now..... he doesn't have the strength to hear rest ....he run from there ..... From that day he started to hate his bade papa and laksh now he is regretting to think like that.... He also try to destroy his bade papa happiness by destroying his empire .....

Flashback Ends

RP: Do you know after that your bade pappa put the criminals behind  bars....

After hearing everything he started to cry and he ask sorry to his father and  told him...he will ask forgiveness to his bade papa.... But his father stopped him and said..

RP : No sanskar this is not a good time to confess everything... your bade papa is really in messed state because of the problem you caused in the company and also he tensed about laksh marriage so after you making everything alright you can confess the truth to him and ask for the forgiveness....

After telling this he went outside by giving sanskar some personal time to think over everything...

Sanskar pov

OMG what I did due to my misunderstandings.... Why i didn't confirm what is the exact truth.... I behaved impulsively and made a wrong decision... In revenge I made a big mistake ...even I tried to break laksh and swara marriage... One min ragini... OMG I forgot about her ....I even used her for my revenge.... She considering me as her friend and for my revenge I included her in my plans.... No I have to stop her ... I know tomorrow she is going to do something before she do anything I need to stop her and make her understand..... I won't allow her to break the marriage of my lucky.....

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