Chapter 20

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Whole day Neil expected that ragini will create some drama in office and make him embarrass but she never did anything that make him unhappy..... He can see she is really hardworking and if it is related to work she is making small small interaction with the colleagues ...... He can see she is fully independent..... But why he can't believe her completely..... May be because like the proverb  says  " First impression is the last Impression" yes the first impression with ragini is not good so how can he believe her blindly.....He is really confused with her character.... Her character is totally different what she behave in his house from the character what he sees in that video or from swara's words.....How can he find out who is real ragini.........He can't ask ragini also about this...... But he is happy..... in his heart  in small space someone is telling him that she is not bad and she not doing everything not to gain sympathy from anyone.....but then also large part is still opposing this.....But he happy that no one knows she is his wife .... He only need that......

Suddenly Samar came to his cabin.....

Samer: Hey buddy ..... What happened...where is your mind ..... You are completely engrossed in thinking something....what happened.... Did Bhabhi did something to you......

Neil: Shut up Samer..... I am just thinking about the project .......

Samer: Neil you know right are not good at lying.....then why are you trying to do so......what happened share with me know I won't judge you........

Neil: Samer my problem is ragini ....... Do you know that day I married her  because I am really guilty.....due to my guilt I married her....but after marrying her I never behave nicely with her .....I always taunt her then also she never showed any disrespect towards my family or me ..... She always tried to complete every duty as a daughter in law... not like daughter-in-law like daughter only.... But after everything also I am not able to understand she is genuinely loving my family or trying to catch my attention ...... I am not able to identify who is real Ragini........

Samer: Dude after hearing from you I think ragini is not pretending.....if she is pretending to get your attention then why other time when you are not in the house that time also she is not changing her character ...... you are having a misunderstanding regarding ragini is there in your mind that's why you have this confusion... Do you know first day you talked about her that day the first thought came to my mind is why your mamma and papa supporting ragini .....then I thought your mamma and papa for a deal they will check full background of a person and then how they did your marriage with such a girl without checking her background Even you are telling she is a fraud or evil .. then only one thing came to my mind is they got full information of ragini and from her file they got the information that she may be good and situation made her bad ... I am not confirmed...this all are my assumption but I know your parents they are more cunning than you .... They won't allow an evil girl to enter your life....... I think what all things you know about ragini is not complete.... I getting a bad feeling that everything is not in right place .... you really don't know first try to know her t LLPhen take the decision.....

Neil: Yes I have to find out the truth.... I will try to find out .....

Samar: Anyway how is your talking with Shethal?

Neil: She welcomed my marriage with both hands.... So I told her that I am going to give divorce to ragini then also she don't have any change...... But I confirmed one thing if I am going to give divorce to ragini then next day I will propose Shethal..... I can't live without shethal....

Samar: What you are going to give divorce to ragini .....are you mad.... Do you think marriage is a game.... Today marry a girl and tomorrow just divorce her..... I can't understand Neil what is your future plan.... I know you are loving shethal but can't you give a chance to your marriage ....Did you think about ragini what will be her future after your divorce......Neil you are now playing with fire .. if one mistake you will lose ragini and shethal.... So think wisely and take a decision....

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