Chapter 25

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In Neil room

Ragini is crying after spilling out her all truth to Khurana's......actually she is feeling lightly after spilling the truth..... Now she understands why her mother always tell her that it is difficult to tell the truth but after telling the truth you will feel like your every tension and every stress you  carry in your heart goes out and you will feel happy .......So her mother always says to ragini that always tell truth to others........ But now she is understanding what the exact meaning of her mother's word because now she is feeling light....she is feeling like some burden she kept in her heart is dropped after telling the truth.....She always thought that after disclosing the truth everyone look down at her.....but now she is not thinking about what others think about her because for her only thing matters is her mother..... In this life the value her mother gave to her before dying is more important than anything.. today Neil questioned her mother character she lost the control of her emotions and spilled the truth completely .... she is sad because she didn't tell the truth early otherwise he won't drag her mother in this matter....she always thought that what others will think about her but because of her that fear someone questioned her mother's teaching and character from today she won't allow anyone to question the  morals and values given by her mother to her.....

At same time Neil entered into the room and saw ragini ....Her eyes are swollen and red .....he can see how much she cried this much time .....he don't know how to start the conversation with her..... He never thought that this day would come because he never thought that there would be another side also there for the story he have heard....but after hearing the other side he is shocked he also don't know what to do ......So he goes towards Ragini and sit infront of her..... She looked at his eyes ......... Both eyes got locked in a short eye lock...After that Neil grabbed ragini's both hands in his and said....

Neil: Ragini.... I don't know how to ask sorry from you ... I behaved inhumanly with you.....I can't justify my actions towards you ..... But then also I want to ask sorry from you..... I know the guilt that I am feeling now won't leave me easily if you forgive me also.... but I want to ask sorry and I want your forgiveness ..... if possible please forgive me ...

Ragini looked into his eyes and his eyes also Slightly teared after he started to talk with her.....she can see he is genuinely guilty..... His eyes are speaking volume........So she said...

Ragini: Neil I am not angry with your inhuman behaviour towards me and I can forgive you for that because I deserve that ...I did wrong with swara and laksh..... I know they started it but it is not good to take revenge for what they did....then what is the difference between me and them.... But I took time to understand this and that time my mind also worked against me after hearing manipulative words from sanskar....but Neil I can't forgive what you said about my mother....why did you drag her in this issue ............

Neil: You know ragini I am really an idiot and stupid ... My parents always warns me that don't speak rubbish when I become angry.... But what can I do.... For winning my part I always speak rubbish things ..... Like this for winning my side I dragged your mother in our that heated conversation ...I know I did a big mistake but I hope you will forgive me one day for this also......Ragini I know you also did mistakes but what I did it is not right...... You said you deserve that behaviour no ragini if I am in your place I also behave like that only. I don't know how I am going to ask sorry from you..... But from my bottom of heart I am asking sorry and I am really guilty because of my behaviour towards you this much days..... And I really want to ask sorry to drag your mother and  for the rubbish word that I said about your mother and you.....I hope you will forgive me one day....that time  I really don't know the full story only half truth I know about you and I behaved rudely..... But that can't justify my actions...

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