Chapter 8

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Sanskar is following laksh and swara .... Swara and laksh went to one room and sanskar hide there without anyone notice....

Sanskar got doubt regarding this secret meeting of both because now in this time ragini need her sister very much and here swara is talking with laksh .... He feel strange and he took his mobile and start to record their conversation.... Because he thought something fishy some where.....

Swara: Lucky what did you told me you are planning this trap for sanskar and ragini ... But from where Neil comes.... Do you see how baba behaved with Neil... He is really innocent and you trapped him why.... Are you planning to protect your brother.... One thing lucky if ragini done any mistake then your brother is also an equal participant in that... So only ragini getting punishment it is not possible... And you told me that, the medicine you gave me to put in ragini's juice is just sleeping pills... But after seeing everything it is not sleeping pills something different..... Why lucky why.....

Sanskar after hearing swara's this revelation get shocked....

Sanskar (Mind ): So this is the planning between laksh and swara .....this trap is mainly for me but in this the person got trapped is Neil..... How can they do like this with ragini.....she already stopped her revenge planning and this two destroyed her life..... OMG I am also equal participant because she become evil because of me and now her this condition also because of me only ....if I never brainwashed her to join me then she won't face this much humiliation in her life..... I know now she is completely depressed with the today's incident...

Laksh: Swara just control... I don't know how Neil comes between this .... I already made every plan perfectly and also given responsibility to Omi to make sanskar drink that juice but how come Neil come between this  I don't know... but I am not guilty because my priority is you only...if we didn't give her punishment then she won't allow us to marry peacefully.... So. For me our marriage is important my love is important... And she tried to take your place in my life ...and about sanskar I won't leave him also... You have their videos right I want that video.....I will show that video to everyone and they will blame ragini and sanskar ...after seeing that video they will think that she did this to make me as her husband so they will hate her and no one will doubt us also... So before that I need that confession video of them ... After that I will also show them the video of  ragini  mixing the medicine in the juice ........ then they totally dislike her and after revealing the truth sanskar also goes out of our life ....because he and ragini did big mistakes and our family won't allow them to enter into our home...

Sanskar after hearing this he started to burn ..... He thought that

Sanskar (Mind) : I forget the revenge and started to accept you all whole mindly but you again forced me to hate you ... Because of you a girl life is destroyed.....what do you think I will forgive you for this mistake never.... I will take the revenge for this..... because she is my best friend.....

Sanskar again stand their because he want  to know the plan of both.....

Swarath: But how did you get the video of ragini mixing medicine into the juice.....

Laksh : me and Omi traped her and without her knowledge we took the video.....So swara give me that video... I need that....

Swara: that video is in my phone.... I will send you that.......

Sanskar (Mind) : Wow swara can you do this with a girl.... Don't you feel shame while doing such thing..... Laksh is a worst person we can't expect anything from him.... But you know right what will happen to the girl when she face this situation.... I will show you and lucky hell.... I will take revenge for her...... What all thing ragini did is wrong but she never played with your dignity but today you played with her dignity.....

Sankar: Sanskar you have to first remove the video from swara's mobile .... otherwise ragini will face more humiliation....because Neil family also blame ragini for this.....Her life will destroy if this video comes out......

So sanskar comes to swara's room without anyone notice and took her phone and deleted the video of their conversation..... He also deleted every send and received items ... He can't take risk... He don't know she may be copied that video to somewhere so he formatted everything.....but he is unknown the fact that Neil still have that video... Because he saved that video to help swara..... ( We can see now he is willing to give that video to swara or not)

Sanskar then come outside and called his PA and arranged something.......

After that he goes to his room and think ....

Sanskar : Laksh told he planned to trap me but how Neil comes there.... I didn't getting that min OMG I got it that juice .....


Neil and sanskar are wearing same green colour kurta and both are helping in the preperation..... one servant came and give juice to sanskar..

Servant: Sir juice .....madam told me to give juice to everyone who is working here..

Sanskar: But you have only single glass....

But sanskar picked the juice glass from him...

Servant: No sir .... everyone picked one glass each from my tray on my way to here and only one single glass left .. this glass juice for you .... I will bring rest of the juice from the kitchen.....

Sanskar : okay.....

But when sanskar is going to drink the juice .... Neil come and grab the juice from him and said ...

Neil: Sorry I am taking this .... More than you I am tired doing this much this juice .... This is mine.... Sorry buddy.... Forgive me..... I need this ...

Sanskar: Okay ....

After that sanskar moved from there and the same servent who gave juice to sanskar instruct another servant

Servent 1: Hey you go and tell to the person who is wearing green colour kurta that madam is calling .... And please show him that room also okay.....

Servant 2: But sir ....why you are telling me to do this... Why can't you tell directly...

Servant 1: I have an urgent work in kitchen you go and tell okay......

Then the servent 2 come and look for the green colour kurta but that time sanskar moved from there to talk with Ram and servant 2 see Neil standing there with same colour kurta he mistook Neil as sanskar and told him

Servant 2: sir madam is calling you in that room... She told she want to tell something important.....

Neil: okay....

Neil goes to that room and  servant 1 without looking at the face he closed the door from outside.......

Flashback Ends

In meanwhile in somewhere

Person 1: Call your friend and tell him to come here urgently......and don't tell him about your condition.....

Omi: Who are you .... What do you want.....Why did  you kidnapped me.....

Person 2: Do you want more beating or  you are calling him....

Omi: I will call him....

Omi called his best friend laksh

Omi: Hello Laksh...

Laksh: oh OMI where are you.... Why are you not picking my phone......yarr we have so many work to do here ...where the hell are you now..... We have to show ragini and Sanskar's truth to everyone then only my revenge complete.....

Omi: Bhai I am stucked with something and I really need your help .... Please come to our old factory...

Laksh: What happened Omi ...

Omi: Bhai ....I have took loan from some people they are searching for me .... I escaped from them but please come and pick me up ..... I can't come directly there ....please......

Laksh: wait there ..I am coming.....

After that goons took the phone from Omi and bind him.........

Person 1 Called someone and

Person 1 : Sir....job is done......

Person 2 : Good ........ Well done.......

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