chapter 24

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After coming to the study Neil don't know what to do ..... Till this date he thought that laksh alliance come for swara and after seeing laksh ragini fall for him and she did everything for that ....but today he got to know the exact reason of ragini's evilness...... She dreamed lot with laksh and with in a single second that dreame shattered..... She never got love from anyone but then also she tried to give love to everyone but who all are she trusted ,that person broked her heart ..... He is feeling suffoation here..... because he can't justify his own actions ......his inhuman behave towards her..... In this one and half month he didn't leave single day to taunt her......He now wish if she slaps him once then he won't feel this much guilty but she without shouting or slapping him she is giving more pain because gradually guilt is killing..... Now he is feeling disgust after thinking about swara and laksh.....He is getting angry towards himself because he blindly trusted swara but today he understood that he always believe his friends words without knowing complete he is feeling proud of his parents because they never judged ragini because of video they believed ragini always ....his friend samar is right his parents can identify people with single look ...... From starting they never showed single dislike towards ragini after seeing this video ....... Now he wish if he got 30% talent of them then he won't be in this much guilt even samar after seeing ragini told me to check her background before coming to conclusions .... Oh god I don't know can I become this much cruel...........

After completely drowing into the guilt he called samar to come here.......

After sometime Samar came there and see Neil in vulnerable condition he goes and hug him.......

Samar: What happened Neil .... Why are you looking like depressed...Did anyone told anything to you........

Neil: Samar Ragini.....

Samer: Ragini , what happened to her ....tell me Neil...

Neil: I  misunderstood her I got to know about her truth.....after knowing the truth I like to stab myself .... because do you know after our marriage I didn't gave peace to her..... whenever I get chance I will taunt her by telling about her crime.......but today I got to know the real reason behind her evilness....truth is laksh, sanskar and swara are the real you know just by single video from swara and her words made me this much stone heart towards ragini....then think after getting the betrayal from the loved ones and after manipulated by sanskar and without no one care and support if she didn't become evil then it would be miracle....but without knowing truth I told several bad things to you know today I questioned her mother's upbringing also.... I don't know Samar what to do ........

Neil started cry in samar arms.... Neil is not a person who taunt a person simply.... He is really a happy going person who is really possessive for his loved ones....if anyone try to harm his loved ones he will become evil.... Here also he become evil towards ragini because he thought that his friend swara's all struggle is due to ragini .... But after knowing ragini's point of view he can't hide his emotions because she always look after his parents and himself without expecting anything... without knowing full truth he behave badly with her..... So he is really guilty for his wrong doings... So he is crying not because he has some feelings for her but he is wrong this time and now  he is emotionally unstable.....he never did anything to anyone without any reason but just because of some misunderstanding he behaved cruelly with her........

Neil: Samar how can I reduce my guilt....

Samar: Neil are you sure you want to divorce her ..

Neil: I am sure.....before today I thought that she is evil so she can't be my wife.... but now I understand she deserve best ....I am not good person for her ....I always gave pain to her and i am already loving shethal how can I live with her Samar I can't......

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