Chapter 12

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In Maheshwari palace

Both couples started to take the blessings from everyone......Still no one knows behind the sehra standing person is sanskar not laksh....... After that they prepared for the vidaai of Ragini..... She didn't cry ......everyone came and hugged her and said some soothing words to her......but she is  not replying to anything.... She is completely broken.... Every event is coming to her mind..... As per the request of khurana only they did  the vidai of raagini early.... Because their house is a little bit distant from here and Anjali wants to perform all other rituals ... Already everyone is tired and so she wants to complete everything quickly.....At last ragini and Neil sat in their car and started to move to their new destination......

After Khurana goes from here sanskar removed his sehra ....... everyone got shocked and Ap started to panic ..... Her thinking goes to laksh........shekhar started to come forward to beat sanskar but swara stands in front of sanskar and told

Swara: Baba please stop .... I request Sankar to marry me ..... I got a message from laksh that he won't come for marriage......So I request sanskar to marry me.....

Everyone is shocked .....they never thought Swara would make this bold decision ....Everyone is looking at swara like you are mad ..... No one knows what exactly is happening here

Shomi: You married sanskar just because laksh informed you ,he is not coming to can you marry sanskar like this ..... Why did you make this type of decision.........

Swara: Mom laksh cheated me after giving dreams so now you tell me what you are expecting me to do, in this situation......... And moreover you all are really tensed because of ragini so I thought it is not good to give more tension to you... Because of me ragini's life will  spoil if I tell this matter early.... So I thought this is the best way to keep everything normal.....

Shekhar: Why swara you can come to me then...Why didn't you come .... You can discuss everything with me ......I will find out any way without interrupting the marriage of Ragini....okay maybe the situation didn't allow you to tell me but my question is ....why you choose him...Don't you get any other person...... He is mad and you married him.... One minute how did you convince him for the marriage.....He won't obey others orders.. He only obeys Ragini's order......then how did this happen?

At that time maheshwaris also became confused and  DP came forward and asked

DP: Swara what is the truth.... I want to know the truth ......sanskar why are you standing silent ...... Why didn't you tell anyone about this.... Why are you behaving like normal...... I want to know..... Why ..

Sankar just looked at his papa he told no don't tell him the truth .... No .....So he said.....

Sanskar: Bade papa yes I am acting these many days ......after Kavitha's death my mind became a little bit disturbed but with the help of my old friends I recovered fast and started to help them in their company.... after two years I started to miss you all .... So I want to  come back to our house .... One day I saw lucky is standing outside the badi and I asked the people the reason they told me about the alliance of lucky and ragini....due to some misunderstanding their engagement stopped.... So I thought through lucky I will come back to my family.... But I am really scared of how to face you all and I am also scared that you will all accept me again so I thought I would act like a mad person.... Now you all think ,Why I choose ragini Because from her talking and everything I got to know that ragini likes lucky and so I thought lucky also have feelings for ragini ,so I  think to reunite both .... That's why I became more friendly with ragini.... Like you all I also got to know during their engagement day that lucky is not loving ragini he is loving swara.... So that time I asked forgiveness from ragini.... She accepted my apology ....she also told me to talk with you all but I became scared that knowing the truth  you all threw me out of the house... So I continued my acting..... Yesterday swara and lucky also got to know about my acting .....he is also angry with me... Sorry bade papa.... I don't know how to tell the truth that's why I didn't tell anyone .....I hope you will forgive me ........

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