Chapter 6

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Omi: Laksh Bhai how you convinced swara bhabhi to give this medicine.....

Laksh: Swara don't know full truth about this medicine ....I told her that this medicine is a sleeping pills..... But If I mention her that if we intake this medicine it will fully change our mind and we will feel that the person stand  infront of us as our lover and  it will increase the pull between two 
and we can't guarantee what will happen between them... But some thing will happen.......

Omi: But laksh Bhai then we have to act immediately after sanskar consume this medicine ... Because this is really strong medicine...

Laksh: Chill Omi ....this medicine takes at least 15 minutes to show its we have time...did You already arrange the servent to help us in this plan ...

Oni: Yes Bhai.....but Bhai it is wrong right  .... Means what we are doing with ragini.... I know she is not innocent but she is a girl right ..... It is not good to do this type of thing with her ... You already have proof against her ...why can't we show that directly to everyone.... She will get punishment from her family itself .... Then why are we doing like this ..

Laksh: What do you think.... After seeing her two three crocodile tear they will forgive her and she will be free from all her mistakes... no she deserve this punishment... And you chill I know about sanskar he will marry her......

Omi: But I know after marriage also you won't allow her to live happily.... That's why you shoot that video right.....

Laksh: Omi you become intelligent after you made friendship with me....

Omi: but Bhai...

Laksh: Now I am not in the mood to think about right or wrong ...what do you think.... Till yesterday me and swara goes through so much mental tensions because of sanskar and ragini... They also need to understand how to feel when someone questions your characters..... She did like that... I won't forgive her......

At marriage hall

Sanskar and Neil are working to finish the last minute arrangements sanskar is working as a little bit mentally unstable person because he doesn't want everyone to know his truth before marriage..... Neil saw yesterday's video and he knows sanskar won't do anything to stop this marriage but then also he is secretly watching sanskar while helping them.... Main person he need to check is ragini but she is no where to see... He can't ask anyone about ragini also because he knows if he ask anyone they will get doubt because everyone knows he is swara's friend and he is first time meeting ragini....

So after sometime uttara came and tell sanskar

Uttara: Bhai who is that handsome man.... Who is wearing same colour shirt as yours.....

That time only he looked at Neil and he smiled little because both are wearing similar shirt...and he reply

Sanskar: Why do you want to marry him....if you want I can talk with maa and baba..... Do you want...

Uttara : OMG what are you talking .....I want to study now... If you tell mom about this then she will stop my studies and next day she will marry me with him.... Please leave me I want to enjoy my life..... But Bhai do you have any feeling towards anyone......

But this question give alert to him and the first face comes to his mind is ragini's face ...... But he shrugged his mind and said

Sanskar: no one.... Kavitha is the last one ( uttara knows that his brother is pretending like mentally unstable person.... that's why both are talking casually.... Only Sanskar parents and uttara knows About his truth....)

Uttara : Don't be sad .. everything will be alright...

In laksh room

Laksh called swara and in first ring itself she picked her phone

Laksh: Swara everything is ready.....

Swara: yes laksh I already mixed medicine in the juice I will give this juice to mom to give to ragu...but laksh I am really scared is it not  good to do like this...Can we change the plan ... please laksh..

Laksh : No swara... For our future we have to do this ...

Swara : okay

Laksh : I will call you....

Laksh: Omi here everything is ready..... I don't want any mistakes......

Omi: Yes .......

Omi to servent: Please give this to sanskar maheswari.... Okay... Don't give this to anyone...

Servant: Okay sir.....

Scene change to sanskar

Servant: Sir juice .....madam told me to give juice to everyone who is working here..

Sanskar: But you have only this single glass....

But sanskar picked the juice glass from him...

Servant: No sir .... everyone picked one glass each from my tray on my way to here and only one single last glass left so this glass juice for you .... I will bring rest of the juice from kitchen.....

Sanskar : okay.....

Scene shift to swara

Swara: mom did you see ragu.... She is running here and there without having anything.... From how many times I am calling her to have something but she is busy.... Mom can you give atleast this juice to her... If I take this juice to her then she will tell me I need energy and she will make me drank this full juice... Can you give her this...

Shomi: what can I do .... both sisters are mad for each other.... I always admiring your love for both .. you both are lucky because you have some one to give shoulder when you are sad .. so don't break this  relationship after marriage ... Give priorities to every relationship equally.....

Swara : Okay mom ...

Shomi went to ragini's room to give juice to her ..

At ragini's room

Shomi: Ragini.... Please drink this juice....From morning you didn't have anything....  Just drink juice atleast for mee ....

After that she drank full juice and give her glass back to shomi....

Shomi: you rest for some time.... Otherwise you can't rest after some hours due to marriage now rest for some time...

Ragini: Okay maa....

Precap :

shomi: where is ragini..... She didn't come to help you.... What happened..

Swara: Mom may be she is changing...she will come ... Otherwise you go and check her in her room ... Okay

Somi: Okay I am going

Swara messaged laksh

Swara:  mom is going there...

Laksh: ...........

Shomi is shocked to see the scene in front of her . ....

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