Chapter 17

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For two days everything goes like same...mrng ragini doing Pooja and preparing breakfast.....Neil and Ragini's silent treatment.....ragini also started to arrange his dress ,watch and wallet for going to office ....first day after seeing she arranged everything he become angry because he thought that she is invading his personal space ...but he didn't made this big issue because he is already becoming late for the meeting ..... She also prepare his lunch everyday and she will also packed his lunch and places it in his bag... Now Neil's work load is low because ragini is doing everything for him.....She is doing it as her duty and he is happy because he can focus on other things so now he is not bothering if she place his dress and accessories, because through this he can save his time.... but the equation between them is not changed .....only thing changed is now Neil is gradually becoming depending on ragini.....

After two days.......

In Khurana Mansion....

Neil went to office and here ragini got a call from unknown number...

Ragini: Hello

Uk: Hello, can I speak to Ragini..

Ragini: Yes, I am speaking...

Uk: Ragini, my name is Haresh I am HR of Khurana Industries...Ragini we have shortlisted your application for junior project Manager.... Can you come and attend the interview today afternoon......

Ragini: Sure I will come there......

Uk: Okay Ragini good day....

After hanging the phone ragini went to adhitya....

Ragini: Papa I am happy......... I got a call from your office to attend the interview of junior project manager post....... they informed me  they scheduled my interview this afternoon... Papa may I go....

Adhitya: Beta you can go and come after winning the interview.....

Ragini: But papa I am scared to attend the interview.... because this is first time....please help me....

Adhitya:Ragini for the interviews first thing you need is confidence.... without confidence you won't get should convince them that you are capable to do that job....if you don't have any confidence then how can you convince them that you are better option than other candidates... So just focus and believe in you .... confidence comes when  you believe in yourself......So go and attend the interview okay......

Ragini without her knowledge goes to adhitya and hugged him....Adhitya becomes shocked ... not only adhitya Anjali also shocked to see the scenario...

Ragini: Thank you are really with your beliefs and blessings in me I won't fail .....thank you papa really happy...

After telling this only she thought

Ragini(mind) : What did I do .....OMG now he will get angry and scold you....why ragini you are doing only you are getting father's love ...with your today's this stund he will get angry and you destroyed your happiness with your own hands

After thinking this she gradually backout from the hug and then said

Ragini: I am sorry papa excitement I forget and I hugged you ...I am sorry... First time I am seeing someone having this much confidence in me and from your words I also felt like  you are proud of in my life first time I am feeling this much warmth ........ First time experiencing father's love in excitement I hugged you....please forgive me.....

Her eyes started to tearing....... Suddenly adhitya hugged her and said....

Adhitya: Do you know in my life I always dreamt to get a daughter but after Neil ,Anjali having some health issue and after that we dropped the dream to have second child....but you know after seeing you first time in Maheshwari palace I am feeling a connection with you..... So from today I am your father only ... don't hesitate to show your emotions to are my have full right to hug me show me your happiness, your angry your every emotion ....I am always will be there with you and I will support you it ...

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