Chapter 16

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Ragini Pov

After that awkward situation with that monkey Neil here I am really embraced to face mom and dad....But what happened to me why I am looking at Neil like this....this is not the first time.... after seeing his chocolate brown eyes I will forget my surroundings and I always will immersed completely in his eyes...Ragini he is hating you so please don't think that he will see you as your never....and more important thing is he knows about your deeds....... .and main thing is your heart is already broken so don't try to open your heart for that beast just because he is your husband..... he is animal the way he is behaving with you only shows like that...... i know he won't accept me in this whole life because I am a criminal....... just think ragini do you accept a criminal as your husband no right like this he won't accept you also... because what all things you did  is unforgivable...... and ragini you have to think something for your daily expenses..... Today you throw the credit cards that he gave to you .....but what will you do when you need something.... You can't ask Neil because he doesn't have any right in me or nor I have on him....even I can't ask my family ......So I have to find out a job....but first I want to ask permission from my in laws....... You have to stable first can't depend on Neil and his family...... But what happens if his parents didn't allow me to work......ragini just relax and first ask ..... If they allow or not after asking only you will get think positive.......

Neil pov

What is happening to me why I am forgetting everything whenever she is infront of me ....god help me .... I have to contact Shethal before my marriage news got leak to everyone..... Otherwise she will misunderstand me and it will create problems in our relationship..... I know I am not going to live with ragini she is not my type.... I will take divorce from her as soon as possible....I can't live the life which is not making me happy..... I know if I took divorce from ragini it will affect her but I can't sacrifice for her.... Even she will struggle if she live with me....... I don't want that.... I want a life which my parents are living ...... I know I am speaking like a cruel but what can I say can I forget my love and move on .....So he again start to call shethal......

Atlast she took her phone

Neil: Hello shethal.....are you there?

Shethal: Neil what happened.....this much missed calls....what happened.....

Neil: I want to tell you some important thing....when are you coming back from London....

Shethal: Neil I will be coming day after tomorrow....

Neil: Then can we meet at cafe nearby my office...

Shethal: Okay Neil.......

Here in Khurana House

Ragini: mom, dad I want to ask you something... Can I .....

Anjali: Yes beta what happened......

Ragini: Mom can I look for the job..... Please....

After hearing this Anjali and Adhitya become shocked ......They never expect ragini will ask this... They are not against working .....they are happy ...but they thought here in this house she have everything that she needed so she asked this just after her marriage it is a suprise for them.... They also knows she doesn't have any previous experience in why she suddenly ask after coming here....they are confused because they are thinking Neil said something to her that's why she took this decision.... because before marriage she never tried for job.....

Adhitya: Ragini we are not against you are working... we also doesn't have any problem if you do job....but why beta this much hurry.....why you want to do job just after your marriage....did neil tell you something..... Why we are asking this because you never went to job before marriage so just curious....

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