Chapter 14

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At the same time in the Maheswari Mansion.....they also did the welcoming ceremony of swara and Sanskar...  because they can't loose the respect of them in the society ...... Everybody is angry with swara.....they are even angry with laksh...but they are not getting any news of laksh everybody is worried about laksh......

After sometime DP got a phone call from the hospital and after hearing the news ... he dropped the phone ......

AP: what happened ji?

Dp: Police called me and told laksh got accident and admitted in the hospital.... He is in coma.....

Everybody is shocked and AP and sujitha started to cry.....swara is shocked and whole blood in her body is drained out from her body after hearing this news ......

After that everyone rushed to the hospital to see laksh.

In Maheshwari mansion swara is crying after hearing the condition of laksh.......So she got angry and went towards sanskar and slapped him and said

Swara : You did this with my laksh right.....why did you destroyed my and laksh life.....just because of ragini you did this with your you know now laksh is in coma....why did you do this with him.....

Sanskar: Why did I do this know the answer... then why are you asking my dear wife ...... second thing what all things happened with laksh ....I am not responsible...that is done by Ragini 's brother.....he is not like me ...he won't stand simply like this .....

Swara: What are you talking.....her brother...from where she got new  brother suddenly......

Sanskar:Yes her Rakhi brother.....and he is my business partner also.......So after hearing what you and he did with ragini do you think he will give both of you chocolate......Then that is only in your dream.....

Swara: Wow you guys are also not guys also gave me drugs......But when laksh gave drug to ragini it is serious problem..... wow great...... 

Sanskar: Yes me and Ragini also gave drug to you...  One thing do you notice she gave drug to you in front of everyone and she also there to protect you .....She never thought to make you sleep with someone....  Now you are speaking this...... Just imagine that time I planned to give you drug and make you sleep with unknown boy then tell me...what will be your reaction ..... Now did you get that the seriousness of matter .....  you guys have so many methods to stop ragini without doing this can give sleeping pills to ragini and make her home arrest or otherwise show her truth directly to everyone and give her punishment that she deserves....... If you planned like this I will surely support both of you and even I will tell truth to everyone and get punishment for myself also .... But you never did that ..... You destroy the purity of a girl by making her sleep with someone.... Purity I am meant is ragini is a girl who is not ready to play with anyone she only submit herself only to her husband or her true love but you and laksh destroyed her that dream also .........I am just her best friend I can't tolerate to see her in that condition ........ And do you think a brother who loves his sister very much can forgive he can't forgive you both for this......So he reacted.... Now laksh is in hospital and you are with me ....simple ... And one more thing you only started everything..... I won't say that loving someone is wrong..... But after knowing he is your sister fiancee and try to get close with in the name of friendship and steal her sister one and only happiness is wrong........

Swara: just stop it I didn't steal him from her.... We both started to love each other unknowingly....

Sanskar: Wow what a joke..... So tell me first time laksh marriage proposal came to your sister Ragini what is your relationship with him ...... That time did you loved him......

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