Chapter 27

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After dinner both are really feeling awkwardness.... Ragini is first time experiencing this feelings..... But she don't know what exactly happening with her.....Neil condition is also same .... He also feeling like ragini.....both are unknown to their own feelings.... Ragini hided her all emotions after laksh break her she is not ready to open her heart to she is thinking it is an infatuation she is feeling towards her husband.......

Ragini Pov

Ragini what are you are already promised yourself that you won't accept Neil as your husband.....then what is the pull you are feeling towards Neil.....He only gives you pain,then how can you form a soft corner for ragini you can't fall for his current soft behaviour..... I know my heart accepted him as my husband but our marriage is not real....we are going to get divorce with in 6 month so you have to remove that from your mind....just because he married you ,he won't become your husband....he is already in love with shethal..... I don't want to fall for a person who has lover already.....So you have to drop your this thinking here and just left from here after 6 months..... Till 6 month just try to become his friend......just put full stop to your thinking.... Because Neil is your fake husband....I don't want a life my mom lived....I want a happy ragini now you sleep.......only sleeping can remove your confusion....

Neil pov

Neil man do you know what you did danced with ragini sensuously......what happened to you never looked at a girl like this .....why ragini is different from other girls.....Even with shethal I didn't felt like this..... Every time I see her automatically my body start to react without my knowledge..... In my life no girl affect me like this.... OMG I don't know what is my feelings regarding ragini..... We are seperating in 6 month and here I am dreaming her..... How can I dream her like this... But God why only her...... Shethal is my love right then how can I feel this feeling towards ragini...... Neil you have to keep a small distance from ragini without hurting her...... Because I hurted her lot now I want to give a happy you have to sleep....otherwise you will become mental....

Next day everything is normal and Neil and Ragini started to create a small space between them... this space is noticed by Anjali and Adhitya....they know why their children is this much awkward .... They are happy now because they know this relation now not going to end will become stronger gradually......

In office

Neil is talking with samar regarding Mehera Industries project ......Shethal is also part of that project .......After the arrival of shethal trio goes to the conference room.....already the project team of Neil  is waiting for Neil,samar and shethal ..... ragini also present in that room.......

Neil and samar just smiled at ragini because ragini  strictly told to Neil and samar not to show any type of favouritism to her in office....she don't want attentions.....if they show the friendly side towards her in office then all the employees will create so many stories and even they ask about the relationship so she don't want unnecessary attention so told them to keep a distance......

Neil secretly glance at ragini and whenever she talk with male colleagues he gets angry but he can't show that ......samar also secretly watching Neil's reaction......he also got the idea that somewhere Neil started to like ragini.....samar knows Neil easily get jelouse with his things...he is not ready to share his favourite things with anyone... But seeing him carefully watching ragini talking with her colleagues is confirmed his doubt...he is really jelouse.......but ragini completely ignored Neil's presences....she is behaving like a typical employee.....

Outside Conference Room

Shethal coming with her project file and she tried to open the door of conference room suddenly another hand also grabbed the handle of conference room.....both looked at each other and both become shocked.....

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