Chapter 28

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After sid exit from the office Neil and Samar is sitting in Neil office room.... shethal is gone for some paper work of recent project.....

Samar: So Mr Neil Khurana tell me .....what happened to you.....

Neil without looking at samar and said

Neil: What....what will happen to me..... Why are you asking nonsense questions..... Don't you have any work .... You know right this project is really important one and here I am really in tension regarding the team who is going to handle this big project....

Samar: Neil you actually think that if you tell me this crap and I will believe you ..... No Neil I am not going to believe you.....I want answer...I already noticed your indifferent behaviour with ragini.... The time you entered inside the conference room you are secretly giving glance to her and also you get jelouse when she talked with male colleagues and sid......why Neil ....I know you better than anyone so don't try to hide from me ....okay...

Neil take a long breath and then told to samar that

Neil: Samar I know what all things you said is correct and the truth is I don't know what exactly happened to me.... From few days I am really attracted towards ragini.... I don't know what is this attraction.....I never experienced this type of attraction with already know about me right I never misbehaved with anyone....but with ragini my body automatically react in other direction than what my heart and brain suggest ... I carve to touch her .....I can't see her talking friendly with other males.... I don't know even I don't feel this much strong feelings towards shethal.....but why ragini is different I don't know ...I am also searching the answer for my this question.......but her name is really make my heart wild..... What to do only tell me .....

Samar: Neil you are gone.....Man you are fall in love with your wife .........

Neil: What rubbish you are telling ..... I am loving shethal and you are telling I am in love with is it possible..... You become mad....

Samar: Man I am not mad are confused between friendship and Love..... Man wake up from your imagination and look at the truth ... You are infatuated with shethal and with Ragini you are in love.....Neil shethal is your best friend and she knows you best like me and you are really comfortable with her so you think that you are in love with her.....but with ragini you both didn't interacted with each other like husband and wife both always fight with each other but then also you have this strong feelings with her the only meaning is you are in love with her.....

Neil: You are mistaken.... I am infatuated with ragini and in love with shethal that is correct....

Samar: Look Neil ..... I know you can't accept this now....but truth is your love is ragini....but I won't force you to accept this....take your own time.... So first you have to keep your mind cool then think about this......then only you will understand in your life what place you gave to shethal and ragini.... So think properly don't take rash your life you always take rash decisions...Neil this is your life not any project deal ..... If you didn't take proper decision then your whole life will destroy... In any project if any mistake came we can rectify that but in life if any mistake come because of our rash decision then we can't make that correct..So think properly and take correct decision....

After that samar goes from there and Neil started to think but again he shake his odd thinking and for convert his mind from this thinking he started to do the works......

In the evening both Neil and Ragini left the office at the same time.....Both awkwardly look at each other...... Neil without saying anything he left to his car....but he noticed that ragini's auto still not arrived and she is looking little bit he took his phone and called her....

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