Chapter 9

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Shomi and dadi took ragini to her room..... Ragini crying continuously...and shomi is by saying some soothing words trying to make her relax....but she is not hearing anything..... Suddenly she runs to her bathroom and locked the bathroom...then stands under the shower .... Everyone started to shout her name last she said...

Ragini: Shomi maa please give me some time ....I need alone time please......

Shomi: Beta I will wait in the room .....please come fast ... don't stand under the shower for long time... You will catch fever.... Your shomi maa is always with you.....

Ragini started to wipe her body with water to remove all the touch Neil given to her..... She is really feeling like dirty..... She didn't thought that she will see this day.... In her wildest dreams she never thought this .....she is angry with herself how can she surender to him and give her precious thing that she kept for her future husband... She is not have any memory of that..... Only thing she know is after drinking the juice she laid down on the bed....because she is really tired after doing all the work ..... Then she have the memory of someone shouting her name and after opening her eyes she became shocked to see her naked frame and along with her Neil is also sleeping beside her in complete naked......Without her knowledge she shouted and because of her shout his sleep also distrubed and he started to scan the room and himself after that he also started to scream.... After hearing  his and mine scream shomi mom come inside and rest what happened everyone knows......... she is not ready to think...... She tried to close her eyes so many time and opened to see is she seeing any bad dream or not.... But she is wrong... everything is true only not any dream.....

Ragini Pov

Mom I need you mom.... Today I lost my precious thing.... how can I give myself to him .... I truly don't know how it is happened....  how can I face everyone.......  Mom your ragini is feeling dirty mom..... I don't know how can I give myself to him .....if he forced me then why I didn't call anyone for the help can I allow this ...why I became silent in that situation ...I know what all thing he done  he can't do without my consent  .... But how can I give consent for this what I will do mom..... Mom I am loving laksh and here I am given myself to a complete stranger........... I don't know how I am going to live after this ..... Ragini how can you do like this..... You lost everything...... You fool how can you do this...... And how can he do this with me ... How can he come to my room..... I don't know him......then how can he........

After that she mentally broken and started to scream........ Shomi and dadi started to run towards bathroom and they called ragini's name several time but she is not opening her door at last shekhar and sanskar come there broke the door of bathroom and they saw unconscious ragini in the bathroom floor....after seeing ragini in that condition....sanskar heart break.... He can't believe his dost is in this condition because he forced her to go to the negative path... If he didn't force her in his revenge plan then laksh and swara won't took revenge from her...... But he won't leave both Laksh and swara  for playing with ragini and making her condition like this .......

Shekhar called doctor immediately and doctor came and checked ragini...

Doctor: She is alright..... Due to sudden emotional breakdown she became unconscious.... I have given medicine to her ...she will wake up after 1 hour....

Gadodia Family : Okay.......

Shomi: Shekhar...How can our ragu face this situation ... She can't accept this...... and what decision we are going to take this matter....

Shekhar: I don't know shomi ... My mind is not good... After seeing ragini in this situation I am getting angry .... How can he do this with our ragini.... And how can we face others...... After this matter goes outside is anybody is ready to marry her.....

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