Chapter 26

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In Study Room

Anjali, Ragini, Adhitya and Neil are standing inside the study room..... because Neil wants to talk with his parents......

Neil: Papa I know you both are disappointed with me ..... I know if I think from your side you are right but if you think from our side we are also right .....I know our life's biggest decision is this divorce ..... But papa without your support we can't go through this...... So please support us ......

Ragini: mom , dad we both are not loving each it is not good to stay in a relationship which doesn't have love or respect.... I know we both started to respect each other but this is not enough for a marriage ....... Without a proper basement we can't build a building the same goes with marriage.....our marriage basement is not strong so if we try to work on this marriage with a weak basement it won't work..... So please support our decision.....

Anjali and Adhitya think about this for some time then adhitya said...

Adhitya: okay we will accept this but you have to follow the court rule these 6 months you both should behave like husband and wife ..... Means you should stay in the same bedroom, both should support and help each other..... If you accept this then no problem....

Neil: Papa we are already getting divorce then what is the need to stay in the same room .....and about support and help now we become friends so ofcourse we will support and help each other...

Adhitya: We are not ready to believe that your marriage is not going to work because you think that your starting is not good...  So we want clarity in that ... so for making us believe you have to stay in same room like now you two are staying and after 6 month also you don't want to continue this marriage you can tell the court during the last hearing of your divorce case and you two can part away from this relationship.....atleast we get solace that you both tried to work your relation and you failed that's why you both part away......are you two ready to do like this ....

Neil and Ragini looked at eachother and both said at the same time okay.......after that both went from the room and Anjali suddenly grabbed adhitya's hand and said .

Anjali: Adhitya why did you tell them that we are agreeing for their divorce....I am already said to you that I won't allow anyone other than ragini to become my daughter in law....Then why did you put  this condition with them and why didn't you reject the idea of divorce directly.....

Adhitya: Anjali ....who said that I will accept someone other than ragini as my daughter in law ..if I reject their proposal now then they will become adamant to get divorce and they won't understand the importance of eachother in their life ...but now I gave my permission so they have the thought that now they can get divorce happily... So they won't do any stupid stunt to show us that they are a really bad couple.....So we have a 6 month time to make them understand their feelings........

Anjali understood her husband's thoughts and hugged him without saying anything....

In the Neil Room....

Neil: I am really happy because papa accepted our request.....we both already stayed in this room for 1 month so  staying for 6 months is not a big issue....right ragini.....

Ragini: True..... But your mom is really sad from her face I can see...... I really don't want to make them sad ...but I hope they will understand us and our situation.....

Neil comes forward and grabs her shoulder lightly and says ..

Neil: Yeah Don't feel sad okay..... they will understand our please don't think anything and become sad .....

Ragini just nodded her head.....

Neil: Today everyone is emotionally down ...... So can we go out for dinner...... Everyone will feel better going out from this environment to a new environment.....what do you say.....

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