Chapter 18

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In Khurana House

Ragini is really excited to join the office and here Neil is really pissed off because of shethal reaction towards his marriage and all..... He can't imagine that shethal is taking this marriage in light way.....he thought that she will shout at him for this and confess her love towards him...but here his every dream is foul mood he comes to the house......After coming to the house he didn't wish anyone and directly goes towards his room and went to freshen up.... After sometime he came back to have dinner ....

Neil: Hi dad...

Adhitya: What happened to you.... looking frustrated...

Neil: Nothing dad ....just work load.....

Adhitya: okay , come we can have dinner.....

Ragini and Anjali serves everything and they had their food silently.....
Ragini and Anjali sitting adjacent and adhitya sitting little distance from Anjali
Ragini goes near Anjali's ear and told

Ragini: Mom please talk with Neil regarding my office joining.....

So Anjali just node towards ragini and with her legs she called his husband and actioned him to tell about ragini's job...

Adhitya: Neil I want to tell you something......

Neil: What papa?

Adhitya: Neil from tomorrow ragini also joining our office ....

Neil: What .......

And he looked at ragini .....ragini is not looking at his face....he is getting angry at her but he can't say anything to his parents because his father is the big boss of khurana industry..... He can't deny this ......he is really getting angry with ragini because from the first day according to him she is manipulating his parents......So he without showing his angry he said

Neil: Okay...........

After that no one talked about anything and they left to their rooms.....

Ragini and Anjali completed their works in the kitchen and goes to their respective rooms .... Ragini while entering into the room someone grabbed her and pinned her to the nearest wall .... due to this her head banged with the wall and she made a painful sound......Neil looked at her.....after hearing her painful sound his sudden anger replaced with care ..... Without his knowledge his hand goes to her back of the head and he slightly touched there and he slowly rubbed that place ... Ragini started to look at him.... Both eyes got locked with each other.....but both came back from the revive from the ring of his phone.... suddenly he got the memory why he is standing close to her.......

Ragini struggled in his hands but his grip is really tight ....

Ragini: Neil what is this .....why are you doing like this ... Why are you manhandling me ......

Neil: How dare you ragini....just because you become daughter in law of khurana industry you want job in our company...... Why you want job in our company ....oh I know you want to keep eye on me right .........or you want to show everyone that i am your husband ....... Wow you are really a fox who is great at first made my parents your side , then you need others to know you are my wife so you manipulate my father and grabbed a job post in my company great.... Don't think that no one give you respect just because you are my wife .. you are just name sake wife for me .... Okay... You know right I won't tell anything if my parents tell me to do that's why you are doing this.... But I am thinking how my papa got convince to appoint you as a employee in our are good for nothing .....I really want to kill you.......but don't feel happy that I  will respect you there  just because of you are my namesake wife........

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