The beginning after the end

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" father ! "

Arius yelled at top of his lungs stretching his arm to reach his father , he almost grabbed the soft fabric of Claude's robe. The tips of his fingers slightly grazing the fabric.

Claude looked at him in distaste and slapped his hand away. Arius flinched slightly at the reaction but paid it no mind for he had went through harsher things.

" I am sure Athanasia wouldn't do something like this !! Why in the world would she try to poison Jeanette? "

Arius pleaded , getting on his knees. The crowd noble around him stared at him with amusement enjoying the new drama of the Royal family.

" Even though we aren't close , I am sure she would never do anything like this !! "

Arius said , his voice hoarse from all the yelling. His eyes teared up , small droplets of tear gently hanging by his long eyelashes . The watchers stared at the boy beg for his sister's life with no pity at all.


One must wonder Just what had this boy done to them to receive such treatment. Was the world truly this cruel ? Cruel enough to bear such nonchalant behavior towards a boy who is pleading for his sister's life. Arius's pleading fell on deaf ears.

It's just like they said , Arius is seen but never heard.

" Athanasia would never do that , Your majesty . Please grant me some time to prove my words , your majesty I beg of you , please have mercy  !!.....I'm sure , Athanasia can prove her innocence ....."

Arius pleaded , his kneecaps already bruising due to how long he had been kneeling for. Athanasia stared at Arius with a guilt ridden expression, her mouth clamp shut due to fear and guilt.

' oh ..... Why would you do this for me ? .....why are you risking your life asking for my death to be pardoned  when I had been nothing but a ignorant and foolish sister to you '

Athanasia thought , feeling guilt fill her heart and move through her veins with her blood. Her heart ached with immeasurable pain as she watched .

' I never helped you or loved you even in your most vulnerable state so why?!'

" Please- ack !

Before Arius could utter another word of plea , Claude with ease pulled out his sword that was hanging by his waist leisurely and struck down swiftly cutting off Arius's arm with no remorse.

Felix , who was standing a bit behind Claude flinched his face now splattered with warm blood . The crowd gasped in horror , Jeanette hid behind Ijikiel gagging at the sight of Arius's arm that was now detached from his body.

Ijikiel clenched his jaw watching the scene unfold , his grip around his own short sword tightened but he knew even if he drew the sword he won't be able to do nothing.

Athanasia's mouth laid gape as she choked back a scream of horror. Shock , anger , guilt , sadness , hatred many emotions ran through her veins at once but one stood out the most .

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now