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' almost two years have passed . . . .after a week or so , I believe two years would be complete since I came here '

Lucas sighed , his back leaned against the comfortable chair . His red ruby like eyes were fixated on Arius who was busy staring outside the window.

' . . . I wonder how I'm going to speak to Arius about my peculiar situation. . . .'

Lucas sighed again , noticing Arius lean down from the window as his hair fluttered back with the wind.

' at least he's happier now  . . . '


How long has it been since he felt this free , Arius couldn't help but wonder . His hair fluttered with the wind, his skin cold due to the long exposure to the night's soothing breeze.

Arius truly believed these two years were the best years of his entire existence and it was solely because of Lucas. Arius couldn't believe he had actually lived through these two years and not yet died.

Arius smiled , a content feeling settling down in the depth of his stomach. As long as it was with Lucas by his side , Arius wanted to live . Arius couldn't help but wish that the coming years would be just as peaceful as these .

' . . . The daily outings with Athanasia And fa-. . . .Claude. . . goes well everyday with no problems '

Arius sighed , closing his eyes as he dug through his memories , reliving it.

' he hasn't raised his hands . . . He doesn't even scold us. . . . . This Claude is much better '

Arius now could somewhat confirm that Athanasia will be safe and happy with Claude . Arius wondered if this is what happiness and comfort truly is .

Arius who had not possessed the luxury called happiness and comfort in his past life could now finally feel it , he believed his source of happiness and comfort to be Lucas. 

These two years , Arius finally didn't see living as a exhausting chore instead he saw it as something more meaningful and enjoyable.

" Close that damn window , you're gonna freeze "

Arius heard Lucas complain but he paid no attention to his words , enjoying the breeze that entered his room through the window.

" You act as if you haven't placed dozens of warming spells on me "

Arius scoffed slightly, poking his head out of the window to get a better feel of the breeze. His head hung low , as he observed the ground below . Arius's room was located in the second highest floor of the Sapphire Palace .Arius's jeweled blue eyes stared at the ground below with a calm look. 

' death used to be so tempting '

Arius thought , his body leaned further more on the window . Lucas was quick on his feet to pull Arius back before Arius could indulge himself on such thoughts more .

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now