Debutante I

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The day of the debutante had finally arrived, and Arius was definitely not excited for this day. Even though it was his sister's debutante, Arius dreaded the thought of being around so many nobles wearing strong perfume.

Arius laid down on his bed without a single intention of getting up.

"I'll get ready when there's one hour remaining before the debutante," he muttered.

Arius stretched his limbs and yawned, hoping to catch a few more hours of sleep. Just as he was about to doze off, he felt something heavy sit down on top of his stomach.

Arius tiredly pried his eyes open and glared at the heavy cat sitting on top of his stomach while cleaning its fur.

"Get off, you fat ass," Arius groaned tiredly, trying to turn sideways. The cat, however, didn't pay any attention to Arius's insult and pressed down its paw on his stomach. Arius sighed, knowing there was no way out of this.

"Seriously, you only visit me like once a year... You're supposed to be my magical beast," Arius stretched his arm trying to push the cat sideways, but the cat didn't budge even a little. After a couple of minutes of Arius trying to nudge the cat off of his stomach, Arius finally gave up and sighed heavily.

"I should've told the maids to feed you less..." Arius muttered under his breath, hoping this little fellow would stop tormenting him in the morning. Arius stretched his arm and gently rubbed its black fur, eliciting an adorable meow from the cat.

The two of them sat like that for a few more minutes. As time ticked by, Arius grew more assured that he would die of suffocation before the debutante because of his cat.

"Ah... I remember Lily asked me to visit The Emerald Palace so that they can also prepare me... Can't I just wear a regular old suit? It's Athanasia's day so I don't have to wear fancy clothes," Arius took a deep breath and tried to nudge the cat off his stomach. Finally, after constant attempts, his cat glared at him and walked away.

After a quick bath, Arius made his way towards Athanasia's palace. Somehow, his cat decided to tag along, and Arius had to begrudgingly carry it in his arms.

"...I swear, even the weightless spell doesn't help," Arius huffed for breath as he carried the plump black-furred cat to The Emerald Palace. Arius had practiced swordsmanship before, and he definitely was not physically weak, but it felt like he was carrying a large rock instead of a cat. He was definitely not exaggerating.

When he arrived inside the palace, Arius's cheeks were flushed red, and a light layer of sweat covered his face.

"Ari!! You're here," Athanasia exclaimed, noticing him. Athanasia's smile grew bigger when she noticed an adorable feline in Arius's arms. Lily and other maids also gathered around him, admiring the plump cat with ruby red eyes and black fur.

"Aww, is that your magical beast?" Athanasia cooed, trying to pet the plump cat. Arius stared down at the cat, which was enjoying the attention.

"You have a really adorable cat, your highness," Lily commented with a polite smile. Arius was about to reply but was interrupted when the cat suddenly jumped from his arm towards Lily.

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