Here we go again

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Five days passed in a pace of a snail for Arius , who had already lost all of his patience,  awaiting his doom . Every inch of his limb laid scarred and wounded , a result of his mentor's training and his own doings.

Arius took a deep breath trying to encourage himself to step down from the bed that provided him more comfort than anything. Using every bit of his will , he stood up and took a peek under his shirt . The cuts and wounds seemed to be messily wrapped in bandages , some still leaking with blood.

His gaze lazily flickered upon the fruit knife next to his bed. His thoughts were interrupted when a maid peeked her head inside his room.

" His majesty has requested your presence today afternoon along with the princess"

She said and left swiftly. Arius sighed ,  glancing at the clock,  and spent majority of the remaining time trying to conceal his wounds and bruises .

' it's not as if they would care; I simply do not want to be humiliated for getting injured '

Arius thought as brushed his hair over the bruise on his forehead. He shook his head for a couple of seconds and nodded in approval when the hair stayed as it was.

' nice '

Arius stared in the mirror proudly as he shook his head again , and his bangs stayed as it was . How wonderful, he mused.

His ears perked up when he heard people speaking outside his room. His little feet curiously carried him towards the wall . He leaned near the wall , sitting down hugging his knees as he listened.

" Did you hear the emperor finally acknowledged the princess ?"

" Oh my , did he ?"

" Yes , I heard it from one of the maid from the ruby Palace"

" Does that mean this prince of ours is going to get replaced?"

" It's very likely , it's obvious his majesty clearly favors the princess! If I were the emperor I would also do the same "

" Why ?"

" Have you seen the princess? She's such a adorable little girl meanwhile the one we serve is always quiet and gloomy "

" He always returns covered in blood , I wonder how he hasn't dropped dead yet "

" He should do that already , it-"

Arius decided he should stop eavesdropping when they started speaking about him. His previously light steps felt heavy as he walked back to his bed .

He plopped down onto his bed , his stomach grumbling due to hunger.

' ....did he really do that ?'

Arius wondered .

' did he really acknowledge her as his daughter ?.........did he '

He turned to the side drowning the sounds out of his head.  His eyelids got heavier and he decided he will take a nap since it was still noon and he had to do something to calm his hungry stomach.

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