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"Why yes, of course I would, my darling."

Arius sat silent for a few seconds, his face remaining expressionless.

'Darling? Did he just call me darling?'

Arius was utterly baffled by how daring Lucas was acting. Lucas grew nervous due to Arius's silence, silently wondering if he had been too daring.

"Um... Goodnight?"

Lucas smiled slightly, hoping to erase the awkward atmosphere. Arius stared up at Lucas and sighed, his lips curving up slightly, feeling amused at Lucas's actions.

"Good night, Lucas."

Arius replied. Lucas stared down at Arius with an awfully enchanted look on his face. Lucas simply couldn't believe Arius was smiling at him and him only.

It felt like a bomb of warmth had been dropped in the pit of his stomach. Lucas coughed awkwardly and nodded his head in reply. Arius returned to his room, and before closing the balcony door, he waved at Lucas, unknowingly still smiling.

Lucas awkwardly raised his hand and waved back, his movements stiff as he was taken aback by Arius's smile. Goodness, Lucas didn't know that the hair-pulling demon could be this adorable.

Normally, Arius only smiled when he spent time with Athanasia, so seeing him smile only at him made Lucas feel like he had accomplished something great. Despite being a great magician, Lucas had always isolated himself from society for centuries, but now he was glad that he chose to be by the twins' side.

Lucas leaned back from the railing and free-fell from Arius's balcony in the Sapphire Palace. He teleported to the mage tower before he could hit the ground.

When Lucas was back at the tower, he noticed other mages visibly flinching every time they saw his face.

Unbeknownst to Lucas, he was walking around with a silly but genuine smile. The mages from the tower were visibly disturbed at that sight because they were only used to Lucas's cruel side.

Arius didn't know why Lucas was acting so flustered around him tonight, but he did find it quite adorable.

'Adorable? Did I just think Lucas looked adorable?'

Arius frowned slightly as an image of Lucas's ugly crying face came to his mind, not to mention his singing voice.

' am I going insane ?'

He shook his head, trying to shake away Lucas's crying face from his mind. Arius couldn't help but cringe slightly as one after another, Lucas's embarrassing actions kept popping into his head.

Fate was not on Lucas's side tonight. Arius decided to take a cold shower to wash away his exhaustion.

After a while, Arius walked out wearing a basic white shirt and loose pants. Breathing a sigh of relief, Arius slumped down on his bed. Rubbing the excess water away, Arius got ready to go to sleep, but suddenly one thought popped into his head.

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now