Just one day more

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Arius found himself inside the throne room , as Claude stared down at him with a curious and amused gaze. A gaze Arius was not so familiar with.

Arius couldn't help but have multiple memories pass his head as he stood before the throne . One of the pillar which had a carved statue on its structure struck a memory he didn't want to recall again.

Arius felt his throat go dry as he stared up at the statue that was gracefully carved with meticulous detail. Before he had lost his life completely, this was the last thing he saw.

He didn't want to look around no more than that so Arius decided to keep his focus on the expensive carpet below his feet , not even bothering to greet Claude who nonchalantly stared down at him from his throne .

Arius couldn't help but sweat a little at the relentless stares from Claude .

' why the hell is he staring so much ? '

Arius frowned slightly as he took a quick glance at Claude who was still staring at him. At that moment , Arius wholeheartedly prayed for the quick arrival of Athanasia.

' what's taking them so long . . .  . . Don't tell me they are still bidding well wishes and goodbye to each other '

Arius thought , trying his best not to have eye contact with Claude . Just as Claude was about to speak , he closed his mouth when the door opened and Felix walked in with Athanasia holding onto his finger with her little palm.

" Sorry for the delay , your majesty . We met Sir Alpheus outside ."

Felix smiled apologetically.

" Mr.Whitey ! "

Athanasia exclaimed cheerfully as she made her way towards Arius , standing by his side.

" Whitey ?'

Claude asked curiously. Arius sighed in relief after Athanasia arrived by his side .

' good thing she's here. She can do the talking now '

Arius silently sighed again.

" Mm ! He looks like a white doggy "

Athanasia  enthusiastically replied , her eyes wandering around the throne room before landing on the throne made out of gold . Her eyes shimmered at the sight of so much gold.

' no one will notice if I take a bite out of this , right ?'

Athanasia wondered as she quickly wiped off her drool.

However her attention snapped towards Claude who turned his head sideways to hide his snicker.

" Quite fitting for a man who won't stop barking or stop being a nuisance"

Claude spoke , clearly amused by Athanasia's words . Arius couldn't but see just how much of a different man this Claude is compared to the Fath- Claude he knew .

' he even smiles '

Arius thought , his gaze constantly hovering over Claude's face. The slight tug on the corner of his lips , the carefree attitude . Arius couldn't help but feel like the person before him was a complete stranger despite having tea together and seeing him for a month or so.

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