By my side

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Arius didn't know how long he had stayed in Lucas's embrace, but Lucas's soothing words calmed the storms raging in his heart. Snuggling closer, Arius enjoyed the warmth. While Arius had been hugged by Athanasia multiple times, her hugs were soft and firm, whereas Lucas's hugs were long and warm.

At that moment, Arius thought that if he were to die again, he would wish to take his last breath in Lucas's embrace, which provided him warmth and protection.

Lucas gently tightened his hold on Arius, glad to have met him again. Noticing Arius snuggling closer, leaving no space between them, Lucas's lips curved up, crafting a content smile on his face.

If possible, Lucas wanted to stay like this forever, for eternity, but he knew deep within his heart it was not possible.

Lucas had spent countless years trying to understand time and the existence of other worlds. He was an intelligent man, but in the face of despair, Lucas lost his composure.

In that moment of desperation, Lucas had made a deal with the World Tree. He wouldn't have made such a contract if he hadn't been drowning in guilt and grief. Nonetheless, Lucas didn't regret it, not even a little, now that Arius was here, close to him.

Arius lifted his head from Lucas's chest, not wanting to disturb this pleasant moment but having a question to ask.

"Why did you come here? Answer me honestly "

Arius asked, diverting Lucas's attention back to him. Lucas leaned on the bed frame, his slender fingers caressing Arius's hair.

" Must I say it again ? Isn't it obvious?"

Lucas replied, blinking slowly. His red ruby-like eyes fixated on Arius, ensuring he would remember this memory until his death. Arius raised his eyebrow at Lucas's reply, not understanding what was so obvious about it.

Lucas's lips broke out into an amused smirk, his usual playful persona returning.

"Oh my, I didn't know you had gotten so dumb "

Lucas teased, tilting his head to the side with a smug look on his face. Arius's eyebrows twitched at that.

"How am I supposed to know?"

Arius replied, his little palm wrapping around Lucas's hair as a warning. Lucas's smug expression changed into a pained one as he remembered the recent incident.

"Guess for yourself then "

Lucas replied, now with a slightly more polite tone.

"I'm tired; I don't want to think," Arius huffed, pulling on Lucas's hair. This time, he didn't pull as hard as he did just a few hours ago. Arius didn't want to hurt Lucas; after all, Lucas might just be the only one in this entire world to tolerate him and his antics.

Arius held onto Lucas's hair, his hold not budging even a little bit. Lucas noticed it didn't hurt as much, but he still acted as if he was about to lose his head.

"Ouch! Arius, it hurts so much! Don't you have any pity for the poor, beautiful me?" Lucas said out loud, batting his long eyelashes as he stared at Arius with a teasing look.

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now