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Arius limply walked towards his trainer , Fred . His left ankle severely wounded and bruised , skin barely clinging to the muscles.

Today was the day of his seventh birthday, a day where his existence was supposed to be celebrated not mocked.

Fred stared down at the young frail boy with little to no sympathy .His lips twisted into a ugly smirk , Arius hung his head low before Fred . His little limbs trembling with exhaustion and fear.

" Tell me , what's your dream ?"

Fred had asked between their sparring session , a hint of amusement embedded in his eyes.

Arius raised his head , taken back by such sudden question. Arius's head again hung low when Fred hit his forehead with his knuckles .

Arius hissed in pain and bit down on his tongue to drown out his own voice .

" Who said you can look up , huh ?"

Fred asked , swinging his left arm towards Arius's head . Not wanting any more pain , Arius stepped back to dodge the fist . The pain in his ankle flared up but he swallowed down his cries of pain .

" Cheeky bastard "

Fred laughed out loud enjoying the pained look on Arius's face.

" Whatever you may dream of , your dreams are never gonna come true "

Fred commented , this time his fist met Arius's eyes which turned black and blue soon enough.

" Your mother must have been very disappointed she gave birth to you "

Arius shielded his face with his arms but the constant punches from Fred made it's way to his face and chest.

" She was so horrified by you

She died "

Fred's loud laughter echoed in the training room , his cruel laughs mixed with Arius's cries of pain but nobody dared to intervene.

" No "

Arius gasped softly as he curled into a ball , Fred's fists still making its way to his body.

" No ! "

No matter how loud Arius's scream got , no one came to save him from Fred .

" What ?  she was just a whore who somehow managed to climb The Emperor's bed

So it was expected she gave birth to a thing like you "

Fred grinned enjoying the look of despair on Arius's face.  He didn't stop even for a second , constantly hitting the young child without holding his strength back .

" Don't talk about my mother like that !! "

Arius spoke out loudly , Fred's smiles stretched further more. His gums that were blue with all the tobacco he smoke were on full display as he smiled ear to ear.

The hated one ( WMMAP male oc ) Where stories live. Discover now