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Arius tossed and turned in his bed , hoping to bring some comfort to his aching body. His clothes were bloodied , his sheets were also drenched in his own blood. Even his cat , decided to stay far as if it realized being near would bring Arius even more pain.

Arius felt as if thousands of needles were poking him from his insides , there were times when he passed out for days . During those times the cat stood as far as it could and watched Arius from the corner of his room.

Arius hadn't ate or drank anything for days maybe weeks , he simply couldn't even lift his own hand. He didn't have even a ounce of strength in his limbs to drag himself towards the door and then to the kitchen .

Even though  death seemed a better option at this point , Arius didn't  think much about it and tried to live just as long as he could just for Lucas's sake .

Arius was too tired of living but he was also afraid of dying , not because he was afraid of the unknown aspect of the death but because he was afraid when he died he would be met with Lucas's disappointed face.

Arius closed his eyes and took deep breaths trying to ease the never ending pain , his lips were dry and cracked due to lack of water. Even though his throat was parched like a dry land , Arius didn't have the strength to get himself a cup of water.

Arius licked his lips and closed his eyes and embraced himself for more pain ,  as his mana got more uncontrollable Arius held back a urge to scream . This time it was if the pain he was feeling was ten times worse , Arius choked back a sob and curled up into a ball trying to comfort himself .

His consiousness faded in and faded out , his body grew weaker due to the lack of food and this whole mana ordeal. Arius felt his eye lids get heavy and bit his quivering lips , he hoped he wouldn't feel pain when unconscious. 

Arius gained and lost his consiousness everytime his mana fluctuated , the cycle continued on for days . Arius didn't know how many days , it had been but he tried his best to count them.

He couldn't even think properly in these times , pain was always distracting him from concentrating on one thing .  Arius laid down as still as he could , trying not to puke out blood as he didn't have much left of it.

At this moment in life , Arius felt alone . Loneliness embraced him like a old friend , greeting him with it's cold embrace. Arius had always been alone for the majority of his life and the only person who could chase away that feeling was no longer here .

' you've gone through it once , you can do it twice '

Arius kept repeating those words to himself  hoping it would make the pain at least a little more bearable.

Whenever he regained his consiousness Arius had to wonder if he could make it to the next day , if he would be able to find another one of Lucas's note in the future .

Arius doubted if anyone will come to save him , as he knew no one came to save him back in his past life when he was truly just a miserable child who was suffering at fate's hand.

Arius felt the pain in his heart flare like a hot fire but he didn't have the strength to even cry from pain . All he could do was close his eyes and pray that he'll pass out soon .

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